今天10:00 浏览(5)的日志《39万一堂课》一个男人在他妻子洗完澡后准备进浴.这时,门铃响了。 妻子迅速用浴巾裹住自己冲到门口。 当她打 translation - 今天10:00 浏览(5)的日志《39万一堂课》一个男人在他妻子洗完澡后准备进浴.这时,门铃响了。 妻子迅速用浴巾裹住自己冲到门口。 当她打 English how to say

今天10:00 浏览(5)的日志《39万一堂课》一个男人在他妻子洗完澡

今天10:00 浏览(5)的日志《39万一堂课》


.这时,门铃响了。 妻子迅速用浴巾裹住自己冲到门口。 当她打开门时,邻居鲍勃站在那儿。 在她开口前,鲍勃说,“你如果把浴 巾拿.掉,我给你800美.元 想了一会儿,这个女人拿掉浴巾赤裸 地站在鲍勃面前。几秒钟后,鲍勃递 给她800美.元然后离开了。 女人重新裹好浴巾回到屋里。




“哦,”丈夫说,“他有没有提到还欠我 800美元?”

及时与同舟共济的股东分享重要信 息,将会避免不必要的曝光。

一个销售员、一个办事员和他们的经 理步行去午餐时发现了一盏古代油

他们摩擦油灯,一个精灵跳了出来 精灵说:“我能满足你们每人一个愿

“我先!我先!”办事员说,“我想去巴 哈马群岛,开着快艇,与世隔绝。

倏!她飞走了。 “该我了!该我了!”销售员说,“我想 去夏威夷,躺在沙滩上,有私人女按 摩师,免费续杯的冰镇果汁朗姆酒, 还有一生中的最爱。” 倏!他飞走了。 “OK, 该你了。”精灵对经理说。 经理回答:“我要那两个蠢货午饭后 马上回来工作!”



一只小兔子看见鹰并且问它,“我能 象你一样坐着什么都不干吗?” 鹰回答:“行啊,为啥不行。

于是,兔子坐在鹰下面的地上休息。 突然,一只狐狸出现了,它扑到兔子 身上把它吃掉了。




它冻僵了,掉在一片田野上。 它躺在那儿时,一头母牛走过来在它 身上拉了一堆屎。 冻僵的小鸟躺在粪堆里,开始感觉到

牛粪确实使它暖和过来了。 它躺在温暖的牛粪中,异常高兴,并 开始唱起歌来。 一只过路的猫听到鸟叫赶过来看个究

顺着声音,它发现了牛粪下的小鸟, 并迅速把它拖出来吃掉了。

(1) 并不是每个在你身上拉屎的都是

(2) 并不是每个把你拖出粪堆的都是

(3) 当你深陷粪堆中的时候,最好闭 上你的鸟嘴 1)学会 沉默 有时候,你被人误解,你不想争辩, 所以选择沉默。本来就不是所有的人 都得了解你,因此你认为不必对全世 界喊话。却也有时候,你被最爱的人 误解,你难过到不想争辩,也只有选 择沉默。全世界都可以不懂你,但他 应该懂,若他竟然不能懂,还有什么 话可说?生命中往往有连舒伯特都无 言以对的时刻,毕竟不是所有的是非 都能条列清楚,甚至可能根本没有真 正的是与非。那么,不想说话,就不 说吧,在多说无益的时候,也许沉默 就是最好的解释。 (2)至少 平静 在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身 旁所有的人都告诉你:要坚强,而且 要快乐。坚强是绝对需要的,但是快 乐?在这种情形下,恐怕是太为难你

毕竟,谁能在跌得头破血流的时 候还觉得高兴?但是至少可以做到平

平静地看待这件事,平静地把其 他该处理的事处理好。平静,没有快 乐,也没有不快乐。

(3)学会弯腰 这会是我意外的收获 和别人发生意见上的纷歧,甚造 成言语上的冲突,所以你闷闷不乐, 因为你觉得都是别人恶意。

于怀了,回家去擦地板吧。拎一块抹 布,弯下腰,双膝着地,把你面前这 张地板的每个角落来回擦拭干净。然 后重新省思自己在那场冲突,所说过 的每一句话。现在,你发现自己其实 也有不对的地方了,是不是?你渐渐 心平气和了,是不是?有时候你必须 学习弯腰,因为这个动作可以让你谦

劳动身体的同时,你也擦亮了自 己的心绪。而且,你还拥有了一张光 洁的地板呢。这是你的第二个收获。 (4)不要想 如果 当初 你说,人生是一条有无限多岔口 的长路,永远在不停地做选择。如果 只是选择吃炒面或炒饭,影响似乎不 大,但选择读什么科系、做什么工 作、结婚或不结婚、要不要有孩子, 每一个选择都影响深远,而不同的选 择也必定造就完全不一样的人生。你 又说,生命中不可承受之情,就在于 人生没有重来的机会啊。如果当初如 何如何,现在就不会怎样怎样...这种 充满怅然的喃喃自语,还是别再多说

每一个岔口的选择其实没有真 正的好与坏,只要把人生看成是自 己。独一无二的创作,就不会频频回 首如果当初做了不一样的选择。 (5)努力吧 不管成功与否 至少曾经美

漫步林间,你看见一株藤蔓附着 树干,柔软与坚实相互交缠,你感动 于这静美的一幕。让幸福与归属就此 驻足吧。你想。不知未来会有怎样一 番风雨摧折?也许藤将断、树会倒, 也许天会荒,地将老。你又想。那 么,请时光停格在此刻吧。停格即是 永恒。永恒里若有这静美的一刻,未 来可能遭遇的种种劫难,便已得到了 安慰与报偿。 (6)保持单纯 因为思虑过多,所以你常常把你的人 生复杂化了。明明是活在现在,你却 总是念念不忘着过去,又忧心忡忡着 未来;坚持携带着过去、未来与现在 同行,你的人生当然只有一片拖泥带 水。而单纯是一种恩宠状态。

以皮肤感受天气的变化,单纯地以鼻 腔品尝雨后的青草香,单纯地以眼睛 统摄远山近景如一幅画。单纯地活在 当下。而当下其实无所谓是非真假。 既然没有是非,就不必思虑;没有真 假,就无须念念不忘又忧心忡忡。无 是非真假,不就像在做梦一样了吗? 是呀,就单纯地把你的人生当成梦境

(7)偶尔'俗气'... 吃多了健康食品,偶尔你也想啃 一啃鸭舌头和盐酥鸡。看多了大师名 剧,偶尔你也想瞄一瞄耳光摔不完眼 泪掉不完的连续剧。听多了古典音 乐,偶尔你也想唱一唱爱他一百年又 恨他一万年的流行歌曲。你知道健康 食品对健胃整肠有意义,大师名剧对 培养气质有意义,古典音乐对提升性 灵有意义,可是,偶尔你其实并不想 让自己时时刻刻活得那么有意。人生 不需要把自己绑得那么紧。偶尔的小 小放纵,是道德的。灵气充满或许接 近大人,但偶尔的俗气会更平易近

(8)控制情绪 别浪费了~ 今天的你,是不开心的你,因为 有人在言语间刺伤了你。你不喜欢吵 架,所以你离开;可是你只是离开了 那,却没有离开被那人伤害的情境, 因此你愈想愈生气。愈有气,你就愈 没有力气去理会别的事情,许多更该 用心去做去想去处理的事件,就在你 漫天漫地的心烦意乱之中,被轻忽被 漠视被省略了。因为,你只是一心一 意地在生气。在情绪上做文章,这是 对自己的浪费,而且是很坏的浪费。 毕竟,生气也是要花力气的,而且生 气一定伤元气。所以,聪明如你,别 让情绪控制了你,当你又要生气之 前,不妨轻声地提醒自己一句:“别

(9)抓住最好的时机 绝不错过 你曾经买了一件很喜欢的衣裳却 舍不得穿,郑重地供奉在衣柜里;许 久之后,当你再看见它的时候,却发 现它已经过时了。所以,你就这样与 它错过了。你也曾经买了一块漂亮的 蛋糕却舍不得吃,郑重地供奉在冰箱 里;许久之后,当你再看见它的时 候,却发现它已经过期了。所以,你 也这样与它错过了。没有在最喜欢的 时候上身的衣裳,没有在最可口的时 候品尝的蛋糕,就像没有在最想做的 时候去做的事情,都是遗憾。

有保存期限,想做的事该趁早去做。 如果你只是把你的心愿郑重地供奉在 心里,却未曾去实行,那么唯一的结 果,就是与它错过,一如那件过时的 衣裳,一如那块过期的蛋糕。 (10)偶尔的出离轨道 某次你搭火车打算到A地去,中 途却忽然临时起意在B地下了车。

许是别致的地名吸引了你,也许是偶 然一瞥的风景触动了你,总之,你就 这样改变了本来预定的行程,然后经 历了一场充满惊奇的意外旅行。A地 是你原先的目标,B地却让你体会了 小小的冒险。回忆起来,你说,那是 一次令你难忘的出轨经验。

许多时候不也如此?心无旁骛地奔赴 唯一的目的,不过是履行了原本的行 程而已;离开预设的轨道,你才有机 会发现其他的风景。

(11)悄悄 悄悄地 回归平静.. 曾经有一段时间,你心情低落, 甚至懒得拉开窗帘,看着窗外的阳

因此你当然也忘了去看看,窗台 上那一盆每天都需要喝水的玛格丽 特。如此不知过了多久,总算有一 天,你度过了心情的低潮,同时也想 起了你的玛格丽特。天啊,可怜的 花,她还活着吗?你战战兢兢地拉开 窗帘,却见她迎风招摇,花颜可掬。 原来在过去的这段日子里,你虽然忘 了喂她喝水,老天却没忘了以雨露眷

许多事物悄悄地在你的视线 之外进行,而且悄悄地安排好了它们 自己。天生万物,天养万物,一切其 实无须担心......你只要做的就是做好 自己,不留任何遗憾...足矣。

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Today 10:00 View (5) log "39 case lesson"

a man after his wife into the bath, bath preparations

At this time, the doorbell rang. Himself with a towel wrapped around his wife quickly rushed to the door. When she opened the door, neighbor Bob stood there. Before she began, Bob said, "If you take the towel. Out, I'll give you 800 America. Yuan thought for a moment, remove the towel naked woman standing in front of Bob After a few seconds, Bob hands 800 to her beauty. dollar and then left. towel wrapped woman returned to the house again.

when she entered the bathroom, her husband asked her, "Who is

" she replied ..

"neighbor Bob .

"Oh," said the husband, "He has not mentioned still owe me $ 800?"

Timely sharing of critical information and help each other shareholders, will avoid unnecessary exposure.

A salesman, a clerk and their manager walking to lunch when I discovered the ancient oil lamp

They rub the lamp, a genie jumped out of the Wizard said: "I would like to meet each one of you

" I'll ! Me first! "The clerk said," I want to go to the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, isolated.

Prosperous! She flew away. "It's my turn! That to me!" The salesman said, "I want to go to Hawaii, lying on the beach,A private masseuse, free refills of iced juice rum, as well as a lifetime favorite. "Prosperous! He flew away." Ok, that you. "Wizard said to the manager of the manager replied:." Back to work soon after lunch I want those two idiots! "

Never let your boss before opening.

Eagle sitting high in a tree to rest, nothing to do

a small rabbit saw the eagle and asked it," I can sit and nothing like you Why not? "Eagle replied:" OK, ah, why not.

So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle resting. Suddenly, a fox appeared, it flew rabbits ate it.

To sit and do nothing, you have to sit in the non

very high position.

A bird flew south for the winter.

It is really cold day frozen, out on a field. It lay there, a cow came on it to pull a bunch of feces. Frozen bird lying on the dunghill, began to feel warm

dung to make it come true. It lay warm cow dung, abnormal happy, and began to sing. A passing cat heard the bird rushed over to see a study

down the sound, it was found under the bird dung, and promptly ate it dragged out.

(1) not every shit in your body are

(2) not every dunghill are your drag

(3) When you are deep in the dunghill, the best close your beak 1) Institute of silence Sometimes, you have been misunderstood You do not want to argue, so I chose silence. Not all of them already had to know you, so you do not have to think that the world propaganda. But also sometimes you are misunderstood favorite, you sad to not want to argue, and only choose silence. The world can not understand you, but he should understand, if he can not even understand, what shall we say? Lives often have nothing to say even Schubert's time,After all, not all of the right and wrong out clearly, and may even be no real and non. So, do not want to talk, do not speak, to say no good at the time, perhaps silence is the best explanation. (2) at least calm in your life fall into the trough, all the people around you tell you: be strong, and be happy. Strong is absolutely necessary, but happy? In this case, I am afraid that is too difficult for you

After all, who badly beaten in the fall when it comes to feel happy? But at least you can do flat

look at this matter calmly, calmly deal with the other things that deal. Calm,There is no joy, no unhappy.

(3) learn to bend this will be my windfall and others on the occurrence of divergent views, even resulting in verbal conflict, so you depressed because you think others are malicious.

In pregnant, home to wipe the floor bar. Carry a piece of cloth, bent down, knees, put in front of you in every corner of this floor, wipe back and forth. Then again reflect on every word their own in that conflict, have said. Now, you find yourself actually there is something wrong, is not it? You gradually calm, is not it? Sometimes you have to learn to bend,Because this action can make you modest

labor body while you polish up your mood. And, you also have a floor Zhang Guangjie it. This is your second harvest. (4) Do not think if you had to say, life is a long way infinite number of fork, always stop to make choices. If you just choose to eat fried noodles or fried rice, the impact seems small, but choose to read what departments, what is being done, get married or not married, or have children, have far-reaching implications of each choice, and different choices will create completely Like life. You said, The Unbearable feelings,Is that life is not important opportunity to ah. If we had how how how how ... we would not have such a full sense of loss muttering, or stop to say

every fork choice is not really good or bad, as long as life as themselves. Unique creation, it will not look back frequently not the same as if you had made a choice. (5) it up at least once a stroll forest beauty

Whether successful or not, you see a vine attached to the trunk, soft and solid entwined, you touched on this quiet beauty of the scene. So happy with the attribution of this stop it. You want.I do not know what the future will be a barbarian storm Cuizhe? Perhaps vine will break, the tree will fall, perhaps days will be shortage, to the old. You want. That it, please stop-time, right at the moment. Stop-that is eternal. If this quiet beauty in the eternal moment, the future may encounter all sorts of catastrophe, had already been comforted and rewarded. (6) to maintain simply because of too much thinking, so you often put your life complicated. Obviously are living in now, but you always obsessed with the past, but also worried about the future; insists on carrying the past, future and present colleagues, of course, your life is only one clear-cut. But simply a state of grace.

To the skin feel the weather change, simply to enjoy the nasal fragrant grass after the rain, simply unifying the eye close-range mountains like a painting. Simply live in the moment. In fact, the moment it does not matter which is non-genuine. Since there is no right and wrong, you do not thoughtful; no true and false, it need not obsessed and worried. No non-genuine, not like in a dream, like it? Yeah, you simply put your life as a dream

(7) and occasionally 'tacky' ... eat more healthy food, occasionally you also want to chew on a bite duck tongue and fried chicken. See more master's plays, sometimes you also want to aim a slap in the face pointing out the endless tears fell incomplete series.Hear a lot of classical music, and occasionally you want to sing love him and hate him a hundred years of pop music. You know health food for the stomach and intestines meaningful master's plays on the temperament of a meaningful culture, classical music to enhance the spiritual sense, but occasionally you actually do not want to own every moment live so intentionally. Life does not require tying themselves so tightly. Occasional small little indulgence, is moral. Reiki may be close to adults, but the occasional vulgar will be more plain near

(8) to control their emotions do not waste a ~ you today, you are not happy, because someone stabbed you in my words. You do not like noisy aircraft,So you leave; But you just leave it, but did not leave the situation to be that person hurt, so you Yuxiang Yu angry. The more gas, the more you have no strength to ignore other things, and many more of the heart to want to deal with events in your sky diffuse into the ground upset, was overlooked were ignored have been omitted. Because, you just bent a meaning in anger. Emotional issue, it is for their own waste, and waste is bad. After all, anger is also takes effort, and some debilitating anger. So, smart as you, do not let emotions control you, when you have to get angry before,One might quietly remind yourself: "Do

(9) will never miss the opportunity to seize the best you've ever bought something very like the clothes they want to wear, solemnly enshrined in the closet; After a long time, when you re- saw it, but found that it is obsolete so, you missed it this way you have ever bought a nice cake but do not want to eat, solemnly enshrined in the refrigerator; .. After a long time, when you see it when they found that it had expired, so you have this and it missed. no time favorite upper body in the clothes, not the time to taste the most delicious cake,Like no time at most wanted to do, is regrettable.

Have shelf life, do you want to do this as early as possible. If you just put your wish solemnly enshrined in the heart, but not to implement, the only result is to miss with it, as that piece outdated clothes, as outdated piece of cake. (10) out from the occasional track a particular train you intend to go to a halfway suddenly spur of the moment in the underground car b.

Perhaps unique names to attract you, perhaps the occasional glimpse of the landscape touched you, in short, you change the originally scheduled this trip,Then experienced a trip full of unexpected surprises. a land is your original goal, b to let you experience a little adventure. Recall, you said that it was a derailment make your experience memorable.

Does not have so many times? Concentrate on went the sole purpose, but only to fulfill the original itinerary; leave the default track, you have a chance to find other scenery.

(11) quietly quietly return to calm .. There was a time, you feel depressed, or even bother to draw the curtains, looking out of the sun

So of course you forget to take a look,That pot on the windowsill need to drink water every day, Margaret. So I do not know how long, finally one day, you had a low mood, but also think of you, Margaret. Alas, poor flower, she still alive? You gingerly opened the curtains, the wind was surprised to find her swagger, Hua Yan the pleasant. Had in the past these days, though you forgot to feed her to drink water, no one forgot the rain God dependents

many things quietly carried out of your sight, and quietly arrange their own. All things in nature, day care to all things, in fact, no need to worry ...... you just have to do is to do yourself,Do not leave any regrets ... enough.

More Friends Review reprinted dynamic
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Today 10:00 browsing (5) of the "39 class" in the event log. A man in his wife after the bath to enter the bath

. At this time, the door bell rang. The wife quickly with a towel wrapped himself rushed to the door. When she opened the door, a neighbor Bob stood. Before she spoke, Bob said, "if you put the bath towel take off, I'll give you 800 beauty. Yuan thought for a moment, the woman takes towel stand naked in front of Bob. A few seconds later, Bao Bodi gave her 800 yuan and then left. Women wrapped towels to the house again.

when she entered the room, her husband asked, "who is she to answer is"

"neighbor Bob.

."Oh," said the man, "he mentioned still owes me 800 dollars?"

timely and to pull together in times of trouble shareholders share important information, will avoid unnecessary exposure.

a salesman, a clerk and their manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil. They rub the lamp, a fairy jumped out the genie said: "I can meet you one wish." first i! I first!" The clerk said, "I want to go to Bahamian archipelago, driving a speedboat, retire.

evanescent! She flew away. "The me! The me!" The salesman said, "I want to go to Hawaii, lying on the beach,There are personal masseuse., free flow of pina colada, there is the love of my life." Evanescent! He flew away. "OK, it's up to you." The genie says to the manager. The manager replied: "I want those two back in the office after lunch!"

always let your boss have the first say.

an eagle sitting on top of a tree to rest, nothing but a small rabbit saw the eagle and asked, "can I sit like you what all don't do?" The eagle replied: "yes, why not.

so, the rabbit sat in the rest of the eagle. Suddenly, a fox appeared, he threw himself into the rabbit who ate it.

.Want to sit and have nothing to do, you must sit in the non

very high position.

a bird fly to the south for the winter. The day is cold

it frozen, out in a field. It was lying there, a cow came upon it in a pile of shit. Frozen bird lying on the dunghill, began to feel

cow dung does make it warm. It lies in the warm dung, happy, and began to sing. A passing cat heard the bird calls come see a study. Following the sound, it found the bird dung, and quickly pulled it out and ate.

(1) and not every shit on you is.(2) and not everyone who gets you out of shit is

(3) when you're low, keep your mouth shut. 1) learn to silence sometimes, you are misunderstood, you do not want to argue, so I chose silence. The original is not all people have to understand you, so you don't have to shout at the whole world. But sometimes, you are misunderstood love, you sad to do not want to argue, and only choose silence. The world can not understand you, but he should understand, if he even can not understand, what can say? Life often have even Schubert speechless for the moment,After all, not all are not all of the column can be clear, and may even not true with non. So, do not want to speak, can not say, say no good at the time, maybe silence is the best explanation. (2) at least calm in your life fall into the trough, the next you all to tell you: to be strong, but also to be happy. Strong and it is absolutely necessary, but happy? In this case, I'm afraid it is too difficult for you. After all, who can fall head broken and bleeding time also felt happy? But at least be able to Ping. Look at this matter calmly, quietly put the things that deal with treatment. Calm,Not happy, is not happy.

(3) learn to bend over this is my windfall and others divergent views on the place, even made a verbal conflict, so you feel depressed, because you think others are malicious.

to the bosom, home to clean the floor. Carry a piece of wiping cloth, bent down, knees, put in front of you in every corner of the floor and clean. Then re thought in that conflict, every word said. Now, you find yourself actually have wrong place, is not it? You get to be in a calm mood, isn't it? Sometimes you have to learn to bend,Because this action can make you humble

labor body at the same time, you can polish off their own state of mind. But, you also have a light cleaning the floor. This is your second harvest. (4) do not want to if you had said, life is a long road, there are infinitely many crossroads, will not stop to make choices. If you choose to eat Stir-Fried Noodles with Vegetables or fried rice, the effect seems not big, but to choose what to read department, do what work, marry or not, to have children, every choice is a far-reaching effects, and different choices of will create a completely different life. You say, life can not bear the sentiment,Is a life without a chance. If such as what, now will not do... To oneself this is upset, or don't say thanks to a fork in the road of choice in fact no real good and bad, as long as life as their own. The one and only creation, is not frequently back if we had done a different choice. (5) efforts regardless of success at least once beauty. Walking the forest, you see a vine attached trunks, soft and solid mutual interlacing, you touched on this scene of quiet beauty. Let happiness belong to stay. Do you want to.I do not know what will be some wind and rain the next? May be broken, the tree will fall, the shortage may be days, and the old. You want to. So, please stop in time at the moment. Stop that is eternal. Forever in the United States if this static moment, the future may encounter catastrophe, had been comforted and rewarded. (6) just because of thinking too much, so you always have your life complicated. It is to live in the present, you always think constantly of the past and the future, heavy-hearted; adhere to carry the past, present and future colleagues, your life only a drag mud with water. But simply a state of grace.

to skin feeling the weather changes, simply to enjoy after the rain the nasal cavity of grass aroma, simply to control such as a picture of mountains close eyes. Simply live in the present. But the present actually indifferent between true and false. Since there is no, would not have thought; not true or false, do not think constantly of and care-laden. No non genuine, not like in a dream? Yes, just take your life a dream

(7) and occasionally 'vulgar'... Eat more healthy food, and occasionally you want to gnaw duck tongue and crispy chicken. Many artists play, sometimes you want to preview preview a slap in the face to fall endless tears out of endless series.Listen to classical music, and occasionally you want to sing love and hate him for his one hundred years of popular songs for ten thousand years. Do you know the health food on the stomach and intestines have meaning, the master's plays for temperament sense, classical music to enhance the spirit of meaningful, however, sometimes you do not actually want to let oneself always so interested in life. Life does not need to own up so tight. Small indulge occasionally, is a moral. Reiki is probably close to adults, but occasionally vulgar will be more people

(8) to control their emotions don't waste ~ you today, you are not happy, because someone hurts you in words. You doesn't love quarrel,So you leave; but you just leave it, but did not leave the situation was the person hurt, so the more you want more angry. The more gas, you don't have the strength to ignore other things, many more of the intention to do to want to handle events, in your sky diffuse to be confused in mind, overlooked neglected by omission. Because, you just a meaning in angry. In the emotional fuss, this is a waste of their own, but also bad waste. After all, life is to spend effort, and gas must hurt. So, smart as you, don't let emotions control you, when you get angry before,Warn yourself: "don't

(9) seize the best opportunity never miss you once bought a very likes wearing the clothes they want, solemnly enshrined in the closet; Xu long after, when you see it, but now it is out of date. So, you missed it this way. Once you have bought a piece of beautiful cake but want to eat, solemnly enshrined in the refrigerator; long after, when you see when it, but found it had expired. So, you missed it this way. Not in the most loving clothes when the upper body, no taste when the most delicious cake,Like not to do at a time when most want to do things, are regrettable.

a retention time, want to do this before it is too late to do. If you just put your wish solemnly enshrined in their hearts, but not to implement, then the only outcome, is to miss with it, as that clothes, as that piece of cake expired. (10) occasionally out of orbit about a time when you intend to train to go to A, half-way but suddenly the spur of the moment in the B underground vehicle.

a unique names may be attracted to you, maybe the occasional glimpse of the scenery touched you, anyway, you changed the originally scheduled trip,Then through a field full of unexpected travel surprise. A is your original goal, B let you experience a little adventure. Remember, you said, it was a derailment your experience unforgettable.

many times not so? Intentnesses rushed to the sole purpose, but is performed in the original trip only; leave the default path, you will find other organic landscape.

(11) return calmness stealthily. At one time, you feel depressed, even bother to open the curtains, looked out of the window of the sun. So of course you also forget to have a look,On the windowsill pot needs water every day Margaret. So I do not know how long, finally one day, you had low mood, also want to play your Margaret. Oh, poor flowers, she's still alive? You're trembling with fear to open the curtains, but see her windward ostentatious, flower color pattern. In the past these days, if you forget to feed her to drink water, God did not forget to rain soon

many things quietly in your sight, and quietly arranged their own. All natural, day raises all things, all the real don't worry... Just be yourself,Do not leave any regrets... Enough.

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a man go after his wife shower bath

. at this point, the doorbell rang. Wife quickly with a towel wrapped around her rushed to the door. When she opened the door, neighbor Bob standing there. In front of her mouth, Bob says, "If you get towels out., I give you $ 800 us. thought for a moment, the woman took off the towel to stand naked in front of Bob. After a few seconds, Bob hands her 800 us. and left it there. Women wrapped towels back to the House again.

When she stepped into the bathroom, and my husband asked her, "who

" she replied ...

"Neighbor Bob.

"Oh," said the man, "he said still owes me $ 800? "

Shareholders share important information in time and in the same boat, will avoid unnecessary exposure.

Manager of a salesperson, a clerk and they walk to lunch, I came across an ancient

pools of oil lamps, an Elf jumped out the genie said, "I will grant each one

" I get! My first! "The clerk said," I want to go to the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, shut off.

Striking quickly! She flew away. "My turn! My turn! "The salesman said," I want to go to Hawaii, lying on the beach,A private masseuse, free refills of iced juice rum, as well as the love of his life. "Striking quickly! He flew away. "OK, it's your turn. "Genie said to the Manager. The Manager replied: "I want those two idiots after lunch to get back to work! "

Always let your boss speak first.

An Eagle sitting high up on a tree resting, no matter

a small rabbit saw the Eagle and asked him, "I like you sit there doing nothing? "Eagle replied," sure, why not.

So, Bunny sitting in the Eagles resting on the ground. A sudden, a Fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

If you want to sit around and do nothing, you have to sit in a non-

a very high position.

A bird fly south for the winter. It too cold

it frozen, fall on a field. When it was lying there, a cow came along and it was a bunch of shit. Frozen birds lying on the dunghill, beginning to feel

dung does make it warm up. In the cow lying in the warm it, more than happy to, and began to sing a song. A passing cat heard the bird came to see

sound, it found out that cow dung under small birds, and quickly pull it out and ate it.

(1) not everyone is shitting on you

(2) not everyone is dragging you out of the dunghill

(3) caught in the ash heap when you get, it is best to close your beak 1) learn to silence, sometimes, you have been misunderstood, you don't want to argue, so I chose silence. Were not all of us have to get to know you, so you do not think the world as propaganda. But sometimes, you love the most misunderstood, you don't want to argue, can only choose to be silent. World can not understand you, but he should understand, if he can't understand, is there anything else to say? often speechless even Schubert moments in life,Is, after all, not all can know, may not even real right from wrong. So, don't feel like talking, don't say, time to say good, maybe silence is the best explanation. (2) at least calm when you fall into the bottom of life, all around you people are telling you: be strong, and to be happy. Strong is absolutely needed, but happy? in this case, I am afraid that is too hard for you

after all, who could have fallen, but when it's happy? But could at least be flat calm

to look at this matter, calmly handled the matter properly. Calm,Not happy, not unhappy.

(3) learn to bend over, this will be my surprise gains and others opinions on the divergence result in verbal conflict, so you're down in the dumps because you think others are malicious.

In my arms, and go home and scrub the floor. Carrying a cloth, bent, knees, every corner of this flooring before you wipe back and forth. And then I thought back in that conflict, said every word. Now, you find yourself actually has no place, isn't it? you came, didn't you?, sometimes you have to learn to bend over,Because this action can make you sorry

working the body at the same time, you also polished his State of mind. Also, you'll have a smooth floor. This is your second harvest. (4) do not want to say if I had you, life is an infinite number of fork road, always kept your choices. If you just choose to eat CHOW Mein or fried rice, effects seem unlikely, but choose what subject, what kind of work, marriage or no marriage, or not to have children, every choice is far-reaching, and the different options will bring up a completely different life. You say, life is unbearable,Is life a chance to return. If we had what, isn't a big deal right now ... This full of chill discouragement of muttered, still don't say more

every choice of fork is actually not really good or bad, just as their own life. Unique creations, not frequently look back if I had made different choices. (5) efforts regardless of success or at least used to walk through beautiful

forest, you see a strain of vine attached to the trunk, soft and solid mingling with each other, you moved to this beautiful sight. Let happiness and belonging to stop it. Do you want to.Don't know what the future may have some wind and rain snapping? Vines will be broken, the tree will probably fall, maybe it would waste, old. You want to throw. Then, please freeze at this point in time. Freeze that is eternal. If there is this beautiful moment in eternity, the future may encounter various dangers, compensation will have been comforted. (6) keep simply because too many worries, so you'll often complicate your life. Be alive now, you always remember the past and worry about the future; counterparts now insist on carrying in the past, the future, your life, of course, only a procrastinator. Simple is a State of grace.

Skin feel weather changes that simply tasting after the rain, the grass fragrance of the nasal cavity, eyes simply controlling the distant hills close-range such as a painting. Simply live in the moment. Doesn't matter right now is what's real. Since there is no right and wrong, you don't need to go; not true and false, fact there is no need to worry. Neither wrong nor false, did not like in a dream? Yes, simply think of your life as a dream

(7) once in ' cheesy ' ... Eat more healthy foods, once in a while you want to gnaw of a gnawed salt duck tongue and fried chicken. See more famous masters, occasionally slapping you also want to take a peek at peek at fall endless tears off the end of the series.Listening to classical music, once in a while you want to sing a sing love him, hate him 100 years 10,000 popular songs. Do you know means healthy food for stomach and intestinal, master plays meant to improve their character, classical music to enhance the soul sense, but sometimes you really do not want to always live so. Life does not need to tie yourself so tight. Occasionally little indulgence, moral. Reiki is perhaps closer to the adults, but a little tacky to be more catchy

(8) control your emotions, don't waste you ~ today, is upset you, because someone's words hurt you. You don't like to fight,So you left but you just got out of that, but did not leave was hurt by that situation, so you'll ever want, ever angry. More, you will have the strength to care about other things, many more should do it wholeheartedly, you want to handle events in your sky diffuse and distracted, have been omitted by neglect were ignored. Because you're single-minded angry. On the emotional issue, this is a waste of their own, and it is very bad to waste. After all, anger is also quick and angry must have hurt. Therefore, a smart guy like you, don't let emotions control you before when you're mad,May wish to remind myself very quietly: "

(9) seize the best opportunity not to be missed and you have bought but still had the likes of clothes to wear, solemnly enshrined in the wardrobe; long before, when you see it again, only to find that it is outdated. So, you just missed it. You bought a nice cake but eat, solemnly enshrined in the freezer; long before, when when you see it again, only to find that it has expired. So, you missed it. No favorite upper body garment, when there is nothing in the most delicious tasting cake,Like did not really want to do, when to do things, is regrettable.

Have a shelf life, and wanted to do something better to do. If you simply wish you solemnly enshrined in the heart, but never implemented, then the only result was missed with it, as that outdated clothes, like the expired cake. (10) occasionally depart from track a train you are going to a country, but suddenly temporary meant to b in the middle ground.

Maybe fancy names to attract you, maybe the occasional glimpse of the landscape can touch you, in short, you just changed the itinerary,Then experienced a trip full of surprises, unexpected. A is your original goal, and b let you experience a little adventure. In retrospect, you say, it was a memorable affair you experience.

And so does many times not? Nothing went to the only purpose was fulfilled its original itinerary; leave the preset orbit, you have a chance to find other views.

(11) crept quietly return to calm ... Once upon a time, you feel bad, or even too lazy to draw the curtains, looked out of the window of Yang

so of course you forgot to see,On the windowsill a basin need to drink every day, Margaret. So I don't know how long, finally one day you have a low mood, but also reminds you of Margaret. Oh, poor flower, she is alive now? You gingerly open the curtains, but seeing her upwind swagger, flower face several times. In the past days, you forget to feed her some water, for God's sake don't forget to dew-about the

many things quietly in your sight, and quietly arranged for their own. Creatures, all things, all without fear of ... ... You have to do is be yourself,Does not leave any regrets ... Is enough.

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