Report Report是爷们看完别哭``什么叫老婆…… 美女最好也看 2013-11-16 周文武 成功智慧语录这天,白云酒楼里来了两位 translation - Report Report是爷们看完别哭``什么叫老婆…… 美女最好也看 2013-11-16 周文武 成功智慧语录这天,白云酒楼里来了两位 English how to say

Report Report是爷们看完别哭``什么叫老婆…… 美女最好也

Report Report

是爷们看完别哭``什么叫老婆…… 美女最好也看 2013-11-16 周文武 成功智慧语录

这天,白云酒楼里来了两位 客人,一男一女,四十岁上下, 穿着不俗,男的还拎着一个 旅行包,看样子是一对出来 旅游的夫妻. 服务员笑吟吟地送上菜 单.男的接过菜单直接递女 的,说:"你点吧,想吃什么点 什么."女的连看也不看一眼, 抬头对服务员说:"给我们来 碗馄饨就行了!"

服务员一怔,哪有到白 云酒楼吃馄饨的?再说,酒楼 里也没,她以为自己没听清 楚,不安的望着那个女顾客. 女人又把自己的话重复了一 遍,旁边的男人这时候发话 了:"吃什么馄饨,又不是没 钱?"

女人摇摇头说:"我就是 要吃馄饨!" 男人愣了愣,看 到服务员惊讶的目光,很难 为情地说:"好吧.请给我们来 两碗馄饨."

"不! " 女人赶紧补充 道,"只要一碗!" 男人又一怔, 一碗怎么吃?女人看男人皱 起了眉头,就说:"你不是答应 的,一路上都听我的吗?"

男人不吭声了,抱着手 靠在椅子上.旁边的服务员 露着了一丝鄙夷的笑意,心 想:这女人抠门抠到家了.上 酒楼光吃馄饨不说,两个人 还只要一碗.她冲女人撇了 撇嘴:"对不起,我们这里没有 馄饨卖,两位想吃还是到外 面大排挡去吃吧!"

女人一听,感到很意外, 想了想才说:"怎么会没有馄 饨卖呢?你是嫌生意小不愿 做吧?"

这会儿,酒楼老板张先 锋恰好经过,他听到女人的 话,便冲服务员招招手,服务 员走过去埋怨道:"老板,你看 这两个人,上这只点馄饨吃, 这不是存心捣乱吗?"

张先锋微微一笑,冲她 摆摆手.他也觉得很奇怪:看 这对夫妻的打扮,应该不是 吃不起饭的人,估计另有什 么想法.不管怎样,生意上门, 没有往外推的道理。

他小声吩咐服务员:"你 到外面买一碗馄饨回来,多 少钱买的,等会结帐时多收 一倍的钱!"说完他拉张椅子 坐下,开始观察起这对奇怪 的夫妻.

过了一会,服务员捧回 一碗热气腾腾的馄饨,往女 人面前一放,说 :"请两位慢 用 ."

看到馄饨,女人的眼睛 都亮了,她把脸凑到碗面上, 深深地吸了一口气,然后 ,用 汤匙轻轻搅拌着碗里的馄 饨,好象舍不得吃,半天也不 见送到嘴里.

男人瞪大眼睛看着女 人,又扭头看看四周,感觉大 家都在用奇怪的眼光盯着他 们,顿感无地自容,恨恨地说 道:"真搞不懂你在搞什么,千 里迢迢跑来 ,就为了吃这碗 馄饨?"

女人抬头说道:"我喜 欢!"

男人一把拿起桌上的菜 单:"你爱吃就吃吧,我饿了一 天了,要补补." 他便招手叫 服务员过来,一气点了七八 个名贵的菜.

女人不急不慢,等男人 点完了菜.这才淡淡地对服 务员说:"你最好先问问他有 没有钱,当心他吃霸王餐."

没等服务员反应过来, 男人就气红了脸:"放屁!老子 会吃霸王餐?老子会没 钱?"他边说边往怀里摸去, 突然"咦"的一声:"我的钱包 呢?"他索性站了起来,在身 上又是拍又是捏,这一来竟 然发现手机也失踪了.男人 站着怔了半晌,最后将眼光 投向对面的女人.

女人不慌不忙地说 道:"你别瞎忙活了,钱包和手 机我昨晚都扔到河里了."

男人一听,火了:"你疯 了!"女人好象没听见一样,继 续缓慢的搅拌着碗里的馄 饨.男人突然想起什么,拉开 随身的旅行包,伸手在里面 猛掏起来.

女人冷冷说了句:"别找 了,你的手表,还有我的戒指, 咱们这次带出来所有值钱的 东西,我都扔河里了.我身上 还有五块钱,只够买这碗馄 饨了!"

男人的脸刷地白了,一 屁股坐下来,愤怒的瞪着女 人:"你真是疯了,你真是疯 了!咱们身上没有钱,那么远 的路怎么回去啊?"

女人却一脸平静,不温 不火地说:"你急什么?再怎 么着,我们还有两条腿,走着 走着就到家了."

男人沉闷的哼了一声. 女人继续说道:"二十年前, 咱们身上一分钱也没有,不 也照样回到家了吗?那时侯 的天.比现在还冷呢!"

男人听了这句,不由的 瞪直了眼:"你说,你说什 么?"女人问:"你真的不记得 了?"男人茫然的摇摇头.

女人叹了口气:"看来,这 些年身上有了几个钱,你就 真的把什么都忘了.二十年 前,咱们第一次出远门做生 意,没想到被人骗了个精光, 连回家的路费都没了.经过 这里的时候,你要了一碗馄 饨给我吃,我知道,那时候你 身上就剩下五毛钱了......"

男人听到这里,身子一 震,打量了四周:"这,这 里......" 女人说:"对,就是这 里,我永远也不会忘记的,那 时它还是一间又小又破的馄 饨店 ."

男人默默地低下头,女 人转头对在一旁发愣的服务 员道:"姑娘,请给我再拿只空 碗来."

服务员很快拿来了一只 空碗,女人捧起面前的馄饨, 拨了一大半到空碗里,轻轻 推到男人面前:"吃吧,吃完了 我们一块走回家!"

男人盯着面前的半碗馄 饨,很久才说了句:"我不饿. "女人眼里闪动着泪光,喃喃 自语:"二十年前,你也是这么 说的!"说完,她盯着碗没有动 汤匙,就这样静静地坐着.

男人说:"你怎么还不 吃?"女人又哽咽了:"二十年 前,你也是这么问我的.我记 得我当时回答你.要吃就一 块吃,要不吃就都不吃,现在, 还是这句话!"

男人默默无语,伸手拿起了 汤匙.不知什么原因,拿着汤 匙的手抖得厉害,舀了几次, 馄饨都掉下来.最后,他终于 将一个馄饨送到了嘴里,使 劲一吞,整个都吞到了肚子 里.当他舀第二个馄饨的时 候,眼泪突然"叭嗒`叭嗒"往 下掉.

女人见他吃了,脸上露 出了笑容,也拿起汤匙开始 吃.馄饨一进嘴,眼泪同时滴 进了碗里.这对夫妻就和着 眼泪把一碗馄饨分吃完了.

放下汤匙,男人抬头轻 声问女人:"饱了么?"

女人摇了摇头.男人很 着急,突然他好象想起了什 么,弯腰脱下一只皮鞋,拉出 鞋垫,手往里面摸,没想到居 然摸出了五块钱.他怔了怔, 不敢相信地瞪着手里的钱.

女人微笑的说道:"二十 年前,你骗我说只有五毛钱 了,只能买一碗馄饨,其实呢, 你还有五毛钱,就藏在鞋底 里.我知道,你是想藏着那五 毛钱,等我饿了的时候再拿 出来.后来你被逼吃了一半 馄饨,知道我一定不饱,就把 钱拿出来再买了一碗!" 顿了 顿,她又说道,"还好你记得自 己做过的事,这五块钱,我没 白藏!"

男人把钱递给服务 员:"给我们再来一碗馄 饨."服务员没有接钱,快步跑 开了,不一会,捧回来满满一 大碗馄饨. 男人往女人碗里倒了一 大半:"吃吧,趁热!"

女人没有动,说:"吃完 了,咱们就得走回家了,你可 别怪我,我只是想在分手前 再和你一起饿一回.苦一回!"

男人一声不吭,低头大 口大口吞咽着,连汤带水,吃 得干干净净.他放下碗催促 女人道:"快吃吧,吃好了我们 走回家!"

女人说:"你放心,我说话 算话,回去就签字,钱我一分 不要,你和哪个女人好,娶个 十个八个,我也不会管你 了....."

男人猛地大声喊了起 来:"回去我就把那张离婚协 议书烧了,还不行吗?"说完, 他居然号啕大哭,"我错了,还 不行吗?我脑袋抽筋了,还 不行吗?"

女人面带笑容,平静地 吃完了半碗馄饨,然后对服 务员:"姑娘,结帐吧.",

一直在旁观看的老板张 先锋猛然惊醒,快步走了过 来,挡住了女人的手,却从身 上摸出了两张百元大钞递了 过去:"既然你们回去就把离 婚协议书烧了,为什么还要 走路回家呢?"

男人和女人迟疑地看着 张先锋,张先锋微笑道:"咱们 都是老熟人了,你们二十年 前吃的馄饨,就是我卖的,那 馄饨就是我老婆亲手做 的!"说罢,他把钱硬塞到男人 手中,头也不回地走了.....

张先锋回到办公室,从 抽屉取出那张早已拟好的离 婚协议书,怔怔地看了半晌, 喃喃自语地说:"看来,我的脑 袋也抽筋了..."

分手时想想以前,那个 陪你甘苦与共的人,一路走 来,其实你们的故事并不 短; 时间慢慢过去,那些感 动却一点一点封存。其实最 疼你的人不是那个甜言蜜语 哄你开心的人,也许就是在 鞋底藏5元钱, 在最后的时 候把最后一点东西省着给你 吃,却说不饿的人……



老婆,就是那个为了省钱帮你买 一份中意的礼物,却宣称自己是在节 食的“傻瓜女人” 。 老婆,就是那个为了爱你,而放 弃整片森林,一心想陪在你身边和你 慢慢变老的“庸俗女人”。 老婆,就是那个不许你看别的女 人、提别的女人、赞美别的女人 的“小气女人” 。 老婆,就是那个保存着你发给她 的每一条甜蜜信息,时常翻来看着乐 的“花痴女人”。 老婆,就是那个总是嚷嚷着要宰 你一顿,请她吃饭时,却说自己不饿 的“可爱女人” 。 老婆,就是那个你说想买一双板 鞋,跑遍全世界去找,结果却告诉你 是偶尔看到就买回来的“虚伪女人” 。 老婆,就是那个你不在她身边, 她无比想念,天天对着手机望眼欲穿 的“可怜女人” 。 老婆,就是那个在你打游戏,睡 觉的时候,打电话发短信来说“我想 你了”的“可恨女人” 。 老婆,就是那个只要有你的支 持,就敢奋勇向前毫无畏惧的“白痴 女人” 。 老婆,就是那个看到别人的脏衣 服都觉恶心,却将你穿一星期未换黑 不见底的臭袜子洗得雪白而毫无怨言 的“笨蛋女人” 。 老婆,就是那个一听见别人说你 不好,就据理力争誓死捍卫的“泼辣 女人” 老婆,就是那个很坚强,很有自 尊心,但在你面前却任性赖皮的“小 女人” 。 男人,记住:老婆,就是那个只 允许你吃她亏的女人。 老婆,就是那个让你有了她而不 再会想其他女人的女人。 老婆,就是那个让一向吝啬的 你,舍得在她身上花钱而竟然不心痛 的女人。 老婆,就是那个让你甘愿放弃睡 懒觉,而起床为她做早餐的女人。 老婆,就是那个让从前心高气傲 大男子主义的你,变成会迁就、体谅 的男人的女人。 老婆,就是那个让你觉得洗碗洗 衣服也很有男子气概的女人。 老婆,就是那个让你懂得责任, 只要她幸福,再辛苦也变得值得的女 人。

老婆,就是那个让你每个空余时 间都希望有她陪伴,哪怕只是不说话 的女人。 老婆,就是那个让你因为她感冒 而担心,看到她多吃一碗饭而开心的 女人。 老婆,就是那个让你愿意撑起一 把伞,去挡住她头上乌云的女人。

当你读完本篇文章时,你有两个选择: 1、你可以将它传扬出去,传播一些积极 正面的信息,让世间多一点爱。 2、你也可以根本不去理会它,就像你从 未看见一样。 可能您的一个小小的分享动作,就可能照 亮无数人的命运,人因梦想而伟大,更因 行动而成功,你因学习而改变!请把您的 爱心传递出去帮助更多人成功 成功智慧语录微信: CAZ996 QQ565462225 更 多精彩尽在此中
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report report

is a man watching his wife cry `` What is the best beauty ...... also see the wisdom sayings 2013-11-16 Angiogenic success

this day, clouds to two guests in the restaurant, a man and a woman, . forty, dressed decent, men still carrying a bag, evidently are a couple out of tourism smiling waiter brought the menu men took the menu direct delivery woman, said: "You point now, what to eat something, "one woman even without looking, looked to the waiter, said:."!? give us a bowl of wonton on the line, "

waiter hesitated, how to eat ravioli Baiyun restaurant again, where there is no restaurant,She thought she could not hear clearly, the woman looked uneasy customers woman's own words again repeated, this time beside the man spoke up:. "? Eat ravioli, but not money," the woman shook her head and said

: "I just want to eat ravioli!" Men lengleleng, see the waiter surprised eyes, very embarrassed and said:. "Well, please give us two bowls of wonton"

"No!" the woman quickly added, " Just a bowl of "Men and hesitated to eat a bowl of how women see men frowned, said:?"!? Did not you promise, and the way you listen to me, "

men fell silent, holding hands against the chair.Next to waiter bare a hint of contempt smile, thinking: This woman Stingy pull the home of the restaurant to eat ravioli did not say light, two people have a woman as long as she rushed bowl Pielepiezui:. "Sorry, we do not have here wonton sell, two stalls to eat or to eat it outside, "

woman listens, surprise, thought it said:"! how could not wonton sell it you are a small business do not want to do it too? ? "

At the moment, just after the restaurant owner Zhang Xianfeng, he heard the woman's words, we rush beckoned the waiter, the waiter went over to complain and said:" Boss, you see two men, the only point of ravioli to eat, this did not mean to trouble you? "

Zhang Xianfeng smiled, waved his hand at her, he also felt very strange: to see the couple's dress, should not people not afford to eat rice, estimated that another idea of ​​what Anyway, home business, there is no reason to deliberately alienate.

Waiter told he whispered: "! You go out to buy a bowl of wonton back, how much money to buy, and so will the checkout when overcharged twice the money." Then he pulled a chair to sit down, began to observe this strange effect . couple

After a while, the waiter took home a steaming bowl of wonton, to the woman in front of a release, said:. "Please two slow"

see wonton, a woman's eyes are bright, her moving their faces to the bowl,Took a deep breath, then gently stir with a spoon with a bowl of wonton, as if reluctant to eat, have not seen for a long time to the mouth.

Man stared at the woman, and turned to look around, Everyone feels staring at them with strange eyes, he felt ashamed, said bitterly: "I do not understand what are you doing, running all the way, just to eat a bowl of wonton?"

woman looked up and said: "I like!"

man picked up a menu on the table: "You eat it eat, I'm hungry for a day, to replenish." he beckoned the waiter over, stretch seven or eight valuable points dish.

woman and not be slow,Etc. This man point of finished dishes the waiter said dismissively: "You'd better ask him have no money, beware King meal he ate."

Did not wait for the waiter to react, the man on the gas reddening: "fart !?? Lao Lao King meal will be no money to eat, "he said as he went into the arms of touch, suddenly" Hey "is heard:" My wallet too, "he simply stood up, his body is shot again? pinch, to actually find the missing cell phone startled man stood a long while, and finally paying attention to the woman opposite

woman calmly said:. "Bite your tongue busy for you, my wallet and cell phone last night were thrown into the river, "

men listen, fire:." Are you crazy!"The woman did not seem to hear the same, continue slowly stirring a bowl of wonton man suddenly remembered something, opened the portable bag, hand shoved inside

dig up a woman simply said coldly:." Do not look , your watch, and my ring, this time we will bring out all the valuable things, I threw into the river, I've got a five dollars, enough to buy a bowl of wonton! "

man's face Brush in white, sat down, staring angry woman: "!? You're crazy, you're crazy, we did not have money, then go back a long way how ah"

woman has a look of calm, not tepid, said: "What are you anxious again how,?We still have two legs, walked on the home of the "boring

man grunted woman continued:.." Twenty years ago, let him not even a dime, do not they still come home yet ?.! Hou days colder than it is now, "

man heard the phrase, could not help staring straight eyes:" You say what you say, "the woman asked:"?? you really do not remember. " man dazed woman shook her head and sighed

:. "It seems that all these years who have some money, you really put forgot everything Twenty years ago, we first journey to do business. I did not expect to be cheated his shirt, even travel money gone. pass here,You have to give me to eat a bowl of wonton, I know, when your body leaving five cents a ...... "

man heard here, himself startled, looked at four weeks:" This, here. ..... "the woman said:" Yes, that's where I'll never forget, when it was a small, broken wonton shop "

man bowed his head in silence, the woman turned. aside daze waiter said: "girl, please give me a chance to just empty bowl to."

a waiter quickly brought the empty bowl, a woman won the ravioli before, to set aside a half empty bowl, Gently push the front of men: "Come on, we finished piece go home!"

Man staring at a bowl of wonton before, a long time before he simply said:. "I'm not hungry," the woman's eyes flashing with tears, muttering: "! Twenty years ago, you said so" finished She stared at the bowl spoon did not move, so sit quietly

man said:. "how do you not eat?" The woman has choked:. "Twenty years ago, you asked me is so I remember I had to answer you. want to eat on a food, do not eat to eat it now, or this sentence! "

man was silent, hand picked up the spoon. unknown reasons, was holding a spoon tremor powerful, scoop a few times, ravioli fell off. Finally,He finally sent a wonton mouth, straining a swallow, the whole is gargling the stomach when he scooped a second wonton when the tears suddenly 'Bata' Bata 'fall down.

Woman to see him eat up, smiled, and picked up the spoon and began to eat. ravioli entered the mouth, while tears drip into the bowl. couple tears on and finished the bowl of wonton points.

down spoon, a man looked up whispered the woman: "full of it?"

woman shook her head man in a hurry, as if he suddenly remembered something, stooping to take off a shoe, pull out the insole, hand entered, and touch, did not expect to actually touch. out of the five dollars he startled by startled,Stared incredulously his money

woman smiling and said:. "Twenty years ago, you lied to me that only five cents, and only buy a bowl of wonton, actually, you still have five cents, she hid In the soles and I know that you want hidden five cents, so I was hungry when a chance later you are forced to eat half ravioli, know I will not eat, put the money out to buy a ! bowl "paused, she said," Fortunately, you remember what you have done, this five dollars, I did not Baizang "

man handed the waiter the money:"! gave us a bowl of wonton again. "waiter did not take the money, quickly ran away, and soon,. Holding back a big bowl full of ravioli man to a woman poured a half bowl: "Come on, hot!"

Woman did not move, said: "finished, we have to go home, you can not blame me, I just want to be back together and you get hungry before the break. bitter back! "

men silent, swallowing gulps down, the soup with water, eat clean, he put down the bowl urged women said: "eat fast, eat us go home!"

woman said: "Do not worry, I meant it, go back to the signature, of the money I do not, you and what a good woman, married to a ten eight, I will not control you ..... "

man suddenly shouted out:"I'll go back and burned the divorce goes on, still does not work?" Then he actually burst into tears, "I was wrong, not enough right? Cramp my head, still does not work?"

Woman smiling , calmly eating a bowl of wonton, then the waiter: "girl, checkout it."

bosses are watching has been a rude awakening Zhang Xianfeng, trot over, blocking the woman's hand, who never took out a two hundred dollar bills handed in the past: "? Since you put back burned divorce, why do walk home,"

men and women hesitate to look at Zhang Xianfeng, Zhang Xianfeng smiled and said: "Let are old acquaintances,Twenty years ago you eat ravioli that I sell, that ravioli is my wife personally do! "When he finished, he put the money shoehorned into the hands of men, went straight away .....

Zhang Xianfeng back to the office, goes out already drafted a divorce agreement from the drawer, breathed and looked a long while, muttering to say: "It seems that my head also cramp ..."

broke up Think about the past, that accompany you through thick and thin people along the way, in fact, your story is not short; slowly over time, but little by little, those touched by sequestration actually Loved your people are not that sweet to coax you happy. people,Perhaps in the sole possession of five dollars, at the end, when the last province to give you a little something to eat, say hungry people ......

After reading the story, you know what

wife yet?

Wife, is that in order to save money to buy you a favorite gift, but claimed to be on a diet of "fool woman." Wife, is that to love you, and give up the whole forest, bent on your side and you slowly getting old "vulgar woman." Wife, is that you should not look at other women, to mention another woman, another woman's praise "stingy woman." Wife,Is that each one holds you send her sweet message, often turned to look at the music of "anthomaniac woman." Wife, is that always clamoring to kill your meal, ask her to dinner, says he's not hungry, "lovely woman." Wife, is that you say buy a pair of shoes, running all over the world to find, but to tell you the results are occasionally seen on the buy back "hypocritical woman." Wife, is that you're not her, she very missed, every day at the mobile phone wistfully of the "poor woman." Wife, is that you play games, sleep,Phone text messaging is "I want you" and "hateful woman." Wife, is that as long as you have the support, would dare to charge forward without fear of "idiot woman." Wife, is that to see someone else's dirty clothes feel nausea, puts you wear one week did not change bottomless black smelly socks washed white and uncomplaining "stupid woman." Wife, is that you heard someone say bad, you argue defend the "shrewish woman" wife, is that very strong, very self-esteem, but in front of you, but wayward shameless "little woman." Man, remember: his wife,Is that only allows you to eat her loss woman. Wife, is that you no longer want to have her and other women woman. Wife, is that always mean you, willing to spend money on her and did not even hurt a woman. Wife, is that you are willing to forego sleep late, get up and make breakfast for her woman. Wife, is that in the past you Xingaoqiao machismo into will accommodate, understand the man's woman. Wife, is that washing clothes also make you feel manly woman. Wife, is that the responsibility to let you know, as long as her happiness,Working hard woman becomes worthwhile.

Wife, is that every free time you want to have her companionship, even if it's just not talking woman. Wife, is that you worry about because she was cold to see her eat a bowl of rice and happy woman. Wife, is that you are willing to hold up an umbrella to ward off the dark clouds of a woman on her head.

When you finish reading this article, you have two options: one, you can spread it out and spread some positive information to make the world a little more love. 2, you can simply ignore it, like you've never seen the same.Could you share a little action, it may illuminate the fate of millions of people, who because of the great dream, but also because of the successful action, because you learn and change! Please send your love to pass out to help more people succeed success wisdom sayings micro letter: caz996 qq565462225 more exciting to do in the herein
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
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is a man cry after reading what is called ` ` wife...... But 2013-11-16 Zhou Wenwu success of wisdom. This day, Baiyun restaurants to two guests, a male and a female, forty years old, wear well, a man carrying a travel bag, looks like is a pair of husband and wife out of tourism. To serve a single waiter cheerfully. Man took the menu directly delivered the woman, said: "you, what to eat something." girl don't even look at a glance, looked up and said to the waiter: "give us a bowl of wonton on the line!". The waiter a, which have to white cloud restaurant to eat wonton? Besides, the restaurant also didn't,She thought she didn't hear clearly, disturbed looked at the female customers. The woman and her repeated the words, next to the man and said: "what to eat wonton, and not money?". The woman shook his head and said: "I want to eat dumplings!" the man lengleleng, see attendant surprised look, very difficult for the feeling ground say: "all right. Please give us two bowls of wonton."

"no!" the woman quickly added, "as long as the bowl!" the man was startled, a bowl of what to eat? Women look at men brow, he said: "you not is promise, all the way to listen to me?". The man did not utter a word, holding hands and leaned back in the chair.Beside the waiter showing a contemptuous smile, the heart thinks: this woman Koumen pull home. Eat wonton restaurant light does not say, two individuals have just one bowl. She rushed woman bielebiezui: "sorry, we are not here to sell wonton, two want to eat or to the outside row block to go to eat

!" the woman listens, feel very surprised, wish: "does not have a wonton sell? You are too small is not willing to do business?". At the moment, restaurant boss Zhang Xian Feng just after, he heard a woman, then flushes the waiter beckoned, the waiter walked past complained: "the boss, you can see the two person, the only point of wonton to eat, this is not the trouble?".Zhang Xianfeng smiled at her, he waved his hand. He also feels very strange: see the couple dressed, should not can't afford to eat people, estimation and what idea. Anyway, business, not to the extrapolation.

he whispered the waiter: "you said go out and buy a bowl of wonton back, much less money to buy, can checkout a times the money!" he pull up a chair, began to observe the odd couple. After a while, the waiter at a bowl of reeky wonton, to the woman in front of them, and said: "please two slow."

see wonton, her eyes are bright, she leaned toward the bowl,Take a deep breath, and then, with a spoon in the bowl of wonton, as if reluctant to eat, a long time have not to mouth. The man stared at the woman, and have a look around, feel at home in a strange eyes staring at him, was no more self contained, hate ground to say: "I really don't understand what you are doing, thousands of miles long run, just to eat this bowl of wonton?". The woman looked up and said: "I like!". The man grabbed the dishes on the table: "do you like to eat, I'm hungry a day, to her." then he beckoned to the waiter, a point seven or eight expensive dishes. The woman was not slow,The men away food. It lightly to the attendant said: "you'd better ask him first to have money, when he eats overlord meal." come here

not attendant reaction, the man was red faced with anger: "fart! Me will eat overlord meal? Me will have no money?" he said to the arms touch, suddenly "Oh" sound: "my wallet?" he simply stood up, on the body is shot and pinch, so unexpectedly found that mobile phone is also missing. The man standing Zheng a long time, finally, to look into the opposite woman woman unhurried. To say: "you don't work, wallet and phone me last night are thrown into the river."

man listens, fire: "are you crazy!"The woman seems not to hear, to continue to slow stirring a bowl of wonton. Man suddenly reminded of what, pull carry travel bag, hand in there far up up. The woman gave said:" no, you watch, and my ring, we take out all the valuable things, I will throw the river. I've still got five dollars, only enough to buy a bowl of wonton! "Face

men in white, sitting down, angry staring at the woman:" you're crazy, you're crazy! We have no money, so how far back? "

woman but a calm face, lukewarm say:" what you want? Then how a,We have two legs, walked home. "

man dull snorted. The woman said:" twenty years ago, we have not a penny on me, so also not returned home? At that time of day. The cooler than now! "The man heard. This sentence, not by staring straight eye:" you say, what you say? "The woman asked:" you really don't remember? "The man shook his head at. The woman sighed:" look, this is a few money on me for years, you really get what forget it. Twenty years ago, the first time we go out to do business, did not think of to be the cleaners, even a home no tolls. After this time,Do you want a bowl of wonton to eat, I know, that time you will have fifty cents a... ". the man heard here, the body is one earthquake, looked around:" this, this... "The woman said:" on this, is, I will never forget that is, it is a small and shabby wonton shop. "

man silently bowed his head, the woman turned to the side at the waiter said:" girl, please give me another empty bowl. "

the clerk quickly brought a empty bowl, a woman holding in front wonton, set aside a half into the empty bowl, pushed to the man:" eat, after we go home! ".The man stared at the front half a bowl of wonton, long said: "I'm not hungry." the woman's eyes glistened, mumbling to himself: "twenty years ago, and you say so!" she said, staring at the bowl without moving the spoon, just sit quietly. The man said: "you why not eat?" she choked with sobs: "twenty years ago, is that what you ask of me. I remember I had to answer you. Want to eat eat, or eat do not eat, now, or this sentence!"

men silent, hand picked up the spoon. I do not know what reason, with a soup spoon hand badly, scooping up a few times, wonton off. At last,He finally sent a wonton lips, makes a whole fresh swallow, swallow to the stomach. When he scooped second wonton, tears suddenly "clatter, clatter" falling. The woman saw him to eat, face a smile, also picked up the spoon and began to eat wonton. In the mouth, while tears drip into the bowl. The couple and tears finished the bowl of wonton points. Put the spoon, the man looked up and quietly said: "a woman full?". The woman shook his head. The man was very anxious, suddenly he remembered what, take off a shoe, pull out the insoles, hand to touch, did not think of home and pulled out five dollars. He Zheng zheng,Can't believe stare at his money. The woman smiled and said: "twenty years ago, you lied to me that only fifty cents, only to buy a bowl of wonton, actually, you have fifty cents, hidden in the soles. I know, you want to hide the fifty cents, and so I'm hungry. When out again. Then you are half - eat wonton, know that I have not satisfied, then take out the money to buy a bowl!" meal meal, she added, "you remember yourself doing it, the five money, I have no white Tibetan man!". Handing money to the waiter: "give us another bowl of wonton." the waiter didn't pick up the money, quickly ran away, not for a moment,Holding back a bowl of wonton. The man to the woman the bowl of the majority: "eat, take the advantage of heat

!" the woman did not move, said: "finished, we had to walk home, you can't blame me, I just want to before breaking up with you again hungry to suffering. A back!"

men silent, bow mouth swallowing, whole, eat it all. He put down the bowl to a woman: "eat fast, eat out we go home!"

woman said: "you trust, I mean what I say, go back on the sign, the money I a not, you and the woman, marry a ten eight, I won't tube you....."

man suddenly shouted up:"Go back and I took the divorce agreement to burn, not yet?", he even cry bitter tears, "I was wrong, not yet? My head up, OK?"

woman smiling, quietly finished half a bowl of wonton, then the attendant: "girl, checkout." wake up, the boss Zhang Xianfeng suddenly

always sees, hurried up, blocking the woman's hand, but from the body to work out two hundred dollar bills passed in the past: "the divorce agreement burned since you go, why walk home.

?" men and women hesitate to look at Zhang Xianfeng, Zhang Xianfeng smiled: "we are old acquaintances,You twenty years ago to eat wonton, I sell, the wonton is my wife do! "Said, his money is thrust into the hands of men, the head also don't go back...

a vanguard returned to office, remove the divorce agreement that Zhang had prepared from the drawer, Zheng Zheng look for a while, to oneself to say:" look, my head cramps... ". but, that accompany you through thick and thin, and along the way, you are not short story; time in the past, those who are moving but one point one sealed. In fact, the pain you are not that speak sugared words to coax you happy people,Maybe that is the sole possession of 5 yuan, in the end when the last thing save for you to eat, but not hungry people......

read the story, you know. What is your wife?

wife, is that in order to save money to buy you a favorite gift, but claimed he was on a diet of "stupid woman". Wife, is that in order to love you, and give up the whole forest, vulgar woman want to accompany you around and you slowly getting old "". Wife, is that you should not look at other women, to mention another woman, praise other women "stingy woman". Wife.One who holds you sent her sweet every piece of information, often turning to look at music "Anthomaniac woman". Wife, is the one that always clamoring to kill your meal, invite her to dinner, saying he is not hungry "lovely woman". Wife, is the one that you want to buy a pair of board shoes, running all over the world to find, only to tell you when I see the false woman bought back "". Wife, is that you are not beside her, she miss, every day facing the mobile phone "poor women expect to see someone who never comes". Wife, is that you play games, when sleeping,Send text messages to call for "I miss you" and "hateful woman". Wife, is that as long as you have support, dare to move forward without fear "idiot woman". Wife, that is to see other people's dirty clothes Hatoto sick, but you will wear black for a week is not bottomless socks washed white and uncomplaining "idiot woman". Wife, is the one heard others say you are not good, you fight to defend the "strong woman" wife, one who is very strong, very self-esteem, but in front of you yet headstrong "small woman". Man, remember: wife,That only allows you to eat her good woman. Wife, is that you have her and will no longer want to other women. Wife, is the one that has been stingy of you, willing to spend money on her and was not painful. Wife, is that you are willing to give up sleep late and get up, breakfast for her. Wife, is that for the past proud and arrogant machismo of you, become accommodating, considerate man woman. Wife, is the one that makes you feel wash dishes to wash clothes very manly woman. Wife, is that you understand the responsibility, as long as her happy,Then hard it is woman.

wife, is the one that makes you every spare time all want to accompany her, even just not speaking women. Wife, is the one that makes you worry about because she was cold, to see her eat a bowl of rice and happy woman. Wife, is that you are willing to hold up an umbrella to ward off her head, the woman.

when you finish reading this article, you have two choices: 1, you can use it to spread out, spread some positive information, make the world a little more love. 2, you can simply ignore it, just as you never saw.You may be a small share of action, it may illuminate countless people's fate, because of the great dream, but due to the successful operation, you learn and change! Please take your love to pass out to help more people to success of wisdom Micro message: CAZ996 QQ565462225 more exciting all in here
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
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read men don't cry, '' What is the wife ... ... Beauty best 2013-11-16 Zhou Wenwu success wisdom quotes

this day, clouds for two guests in the restaurant, a man and a woman, 40 years old, dressed well, man carrying a backpack, it looks like a tourist couple. Staff visage to send you menus. men took the menus directly delivered women and said, "you, come, what he wanted to eat something." Women even without looking at a glance, looked up and said to the waiter: "get us a bowl of wonton,!"

Waiter yizheng, how can there be clouds restaurant eating ravioli? Besides, restaurants had failed,She thought she didn't catch, disturbing looking woman looked. Women repeats herself again, next to the man speaking out: "what to eat pasta, and no money?"

The woman shook her head and said: "I want to eat ravioli!" men froze rueful waiter surprised gaze, very embarrassed to say "well. Please give us two bowls of pasta."

"不! "Women get added," as long as a bowl! "man yizheng, a bowl of what to eat? woman man frowned and said:" you promised, all listen to me? "

Guys tongue and hands to lean against the Chair.Waiter next to Monroe smile with a hint of disdain, thinking: this woman cheap pick home. restaurant ate ravioli on that, two people just for a bowl of. She rushed the woman left to raise: "sorry, we don't have pasta here sold, both wanted to go eat or go out big gears to eat!"

Woman, was very surprising, said that to think: "How come there are no won ton sell it?, you're too small not to do business?"

Now, restaurant owner Zhang Xianfeng just after, he heard a woman, rushed waiter beckoned, waiter went over to complain: "boss, you see these two people, only on some wonton food, this mess doesn't really mean?"

Zhang Xianfeng smiled and waved at her. He also wondered: this couple dress up, people who should not be able to eat rice, estimated any ideas. in any event, getting calls, not to push out a point.

He quietly asked the waiter: "you come back to buy out a bowl of wonton, pay, etc checkout the overcharged money 1 time!" Finish what he pull up a Chair, sit down and began looking up this strange couple.

after a while, the waiter returned with a steaming hot bowl of won ton, toward the front of a woman and said, "Please enjoy your meal."

See ravioli, the woman's eyes were bright, she get her face on a bowl of noodles, Deep to suck has breath, then, with spoon gently mixing with Bowl in of ravioli, good like reluctant to eat, half also missing sent to mouth in.

men stared big eyes see with woman, and turned see around, feels everyone are in with strange of vision at with they, Dayton sense shame, hate hate to said: "really got not knows you in got what, came all the ran to, on to eat this Bowl ravioli?"

Woman looked up and said: "I love it!"

Guys a menu on the table and picked up: "you like to eat, I am hungry all day and you want to fix." he have beckoning the waiter came, some seven or eight expensive dishes.

girl show slow,Men finished to order. it dismissively said to the waiter: "you had better ask him if he had any money, and watch him eat dinner meal."

Not the waiter came, men are red in the face: "farting! I will eat dinner meal? I have no money?" He said as he touched into the arms, and suddenly the "EE" sound: "my wallet?" He stood up, on the body between the shoot and the pinch, this mobile phone also disappeared. a man stood stunned for a long while, finally looking past the woman opposite.

woman calmly said: "you stop faffing, wallet and cell phone last night, I was thrown into the river."

Man, fire: "you are crazy!"Woman good like didn't heard as, continues to slow of mixing with Bowl in of ravioli. men suddenly reminds what, opened carry of Carryall, reaches in inside Meng cut up.

woman cold cold said has sentence:" don't found has, you of watches, also has I of ring, we this with out all worth of things, I are threw River in has. I body also has five block money, only enough buy this Bowl ravioli has! "

Man's face painted white, plunked down anger stared at the woman: "you're crazy, you're crazy! we don't have the money, the way that far back?"

Women are placid, tepid and said, "what's your hurry? what,We still have two legs, walked home. " Boring

man snorted loudly. Woman says: "20 years ago, our body without a penny, so don't come home yet? around that time of day. colder than it is now!"

Man hearing the sentence, not a stare straight eye: "you say, what are you talking about?" Woman asks: "you don't remember?" Man dazed and shake their heads.

woman sighed: "it seems that these years got a little money, you really forget anything. 20 years ago, we do business out of town for the first time, did not expect being fooled everyone, even the journey home didn't. After this time,You would see me eating a bowl of wonton, I know that, then you got five cents ... ... "

man at this point, an earthquake had been looking around:" this, here...... " She said: "Yes, this is it, I'll never forget, when it was a tiny wonton restaurant-breaking."

Man bowed his head in silence, woman turn aside from top to the waiter: "girl, please give me another empty bowl."

Staff will take with you an empty bowl, ravioli in front of woman's hands, traveling to empty the bowl, gently push the front of men: "eat, eat it up, we go home!"

Man staring in front of half a bowl of wonton, long said: "I'm not hungry." Women's eyes flashed with tears, muttering: "20 years ago, you said the same thing!" With that, she stared at the Bowl did not move the spoon, sat quietly on.

man said, "why don't you eat?" Woman choked: "20 years ago, you asked me the same thing. I remember answering you. eat eat together, or I will not eat to eat now, or is that sentence!"

Man, penitent, reached down and picked up a spoon. don't know why, holding a spoon hand shaking so badly that she scooped several times, ravioli fall. Finally,He finally will a ravioli sent to has mouth in, hard a swallow, throughout are swallow to has belly in. Dang he scoop second a ravioli of when, tears suddenly "round the ' round the" down off.

woman see he eat has, face Shang showed has smile, also took up spoon began eat. ravioli a into mouth, tears while drops into has Bowl in. this on couples on and with tears put a bowl ravioli points eat finished.

down spoon, men looked up softly asked woman: "full has did?"

Girl shakes her head. man in a hurry when he suddenly seemed to remember what and bent over to take off a shoe and pull out the insole and hand into touch, but actually took out five bucks. Zheng Zheng He, Can't believes to stared to in of money.

woman smile of said: "20 years Qian, you lie I said only five hair money has, only buy a bowl ravioli, actually does, you also has five hair money, on hid in soles in. I knows, you is wanted to hid with that five hair money,, I hungry has of when again took out. later you was forced eat has half ravioli, knows I must not full, on put money took out again buy has a bowl!" Dayton has Dayton, she and said, "okay you remember themselves do had of thing, this five block money, I didn't white hid!"

Man handed the money to the waiter: "give us a bowl of wonton more." Staff did not receive the money, quickly runs away, in moments,Holding back a large bowl of wonton. Pour half the men to women: "take it easy while it's hot!"

The woman did not move, saying: "eat, and we'll have to go home, and you can't blame me, I just wanted to break up with you before hungry time.!"

Man was silent, bow their heads and big mouth mouth swallowing, even the soup with water, eat clean. he put down the bowl to press a woman: "eat, eat well, we go back home!"

She said: "you can count on my word, go back to sign, I don't, you and the woman, marry an eight, I wouldn't have ... ..."

man suddenly shouting up:"And then I burned that divorce, no?" With that, he's wailing, "I was wrong, no? my brain cramps, no?"

Woman surface with smile, calm to eat finished half bowl ravioli, then on waiter: "girl, checkout,.",

has been in next watch of boss Zhang pioneer suddenly woke up, trot go has came, blocked has woman of hand, is from body touch out has two Zhang hundred Yuan bills handed has past: "since you back on put divorce agreement burn has, why also to walk home does?"

Man and woman hesitantly looked at Vanguard, Zhang Xianfeng smiled: "we both are old acquaintances,Eating ravioli you 20 years ago, I sold, that made ravioli is my wife! " Said strike, he put money hard plug to men hands, head also not back to go has.....

Zhang Xianfeng returned to Office, from drawer removed that Zhang already intends good of divorce agreement, terrified to see has blankly, muttered to said: "seems, I of head also cramps has..."

broke up Shi wanted to wanted to yiqian, that accompany you thin of people, way go to, actually you of story does not short; time slowly past, those moved is 1.1 points sealed. Actually hurts you the most is not the person who sweet talk make you smile,Is probably hiding in the soles 5 dollars, and at the end when you finally have something to eat, said no hungry people ... ...

After reading the story, did you know

what a wife?

My wife, is that in order to save money to buy you a pleasing gift, but declared himself on a diet of "stupid woman". Honey, is that in order to love you and give up the entire forest, trying to be at your side and you get older "vulgar woman". Honey, is that I don't want you to look at another woman, another woman, praise another woman's "stingy." His wife,Who holds you to send information about each of her sweet, often look "slut." His wife, the one that always clamored to kill your ass, when you invited her to dinner, but says he was not hungry, "pretty woman". Honey, is that you say you want to buy a pair of shoes, traveled around the world to find, only to tell you that is occasionally seen, bought "fake woman". Honey, is that you're not around her, she missed every day the phones desperate for "poor woman". Honey, is that you play the game, when I sleep,Call texting "I miss you" and "hateful." Honey, is that as long as your support, would dare to put forward without fear of "idiot women". Honey, is that seeing other people's dirty clothes all feel nausea, but will you wear for a week without changing black no white washed their dirty socks and no complaints at the end of "stupid woman". His wife, who heard someone else say you do stand up fighting to defend, "Termagant women" wife, who is tough and very low self-esteem, but wayward rascally right in front of you, "little woman". Man, remember: a wife,Is the woman who only allows you to eat her. Honey, is that you no longer have her wonder woman other women. His wife, the one that always mean you, willing to spend money, not heartache woman in her. His wife, the one that makes you willing to give up sleeping late, and get up and make breakfast for her Lady. Wife is one conceited machismo you will indulge, understanding man's woman. His wife, the one that makes you feel like washing the dishes washing clothes is very masculine woman. His wife, the one that makes you understand the responsibility, as long as she's happy,Tough it becomes worth the woman again.

My wife, the one that makes you wish every spare time with her company, even if it's just don't talk to women. His wife, the one that makes you fear because of her cold, seeing her eat a bowl of rice, happy woman. His wife, the one that makes you willing to prop up an umbrella, to blocking clouds on her head to a woman.

When you finish reading this article, you have two options: 1 you can spread it out, spread some positive information, so a little bit more love in the world. 2, you can simply ignore it, just like you've never seen. You may be a tiny share of the action, it is possible to illuminate the fate of millions of people, great people dream, more successful because of the actions, you learn and change! Please have your pass out to help more people succeed success wisdom quotes love micro-credit: CAZ996 more in this
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