which is in agreement with the findings in other cherry cultivars
This study indicates that MAP with appropriate gas compositions such as MAP2 with O2 6.5–7.5% + CO2 8.0–10.0% can slow down TA loss and therefore maintain characteristic cherry flavor of the late season cultivars for 4–6 weeks at 0 C.
The result is in agreement with the report of Meheriuk et al., (1997) in that the storage life of ‘Sweetheart’ cherries was extended up to 4 weeks in O2 4.6% + CO2 10% or O2 6.6% + CO2 3.5% at 0 C. In contrast, MAP1 having higher
gas permeability with O2 12.0–13.5% + CO2 5.0–7.0% had little effect on TA loss, which is consistent with MAP with O2 9–10% + CO2 7–8% which did not retard TA loss of ‘Lapins’ at 3 C
On the other hand, MAP3 with O2 0.5–1.5% + CO2 10% O2 maintained higher TA but generated fermentative off-flavor after 4 and 6 weeks in ‘Lapins’ and ‘Skeena’. Meheriuk et al., (1997) reported that ‘Lapins’ in 0.8% O2 + 4.5% CO2 accumulated ethanol after 6 weeks but the fermentative off-flavor was detected after 8 weeks at 0 C.