phpStudy 2014.10.02『软件简介』 该程序包集成最新的Apache+Nginx+LightTPD+PHP+MySQL+php translation - phpStudy 2014.10.02『软件简介』 该程序包集成最新的Apache+Nginx+LightTPD+PHP+MySQL+php English how to say

phpStudy 2014.10.02『软件简介』 该程序包集成最新的

phpStudy 2014.10.02
该程序包集成最新的Apache+Nginx+LightTPD+PHP+MySQL+phpMyAdmin+Zend Optimizer+Zend Loader,一次性安装,无须配置即可使用,是非常方便、好用的PHP调试环境。该程序绿色小巧简易迷你仅有35M,有专门的控制面板。总之学习PHP只需一个包。
1、全面适合 Win2000/XP/2003/win7/win8/win2008 操作系统 ,支持Apache、IIS、Nginx和LightTPD。
php 5.6.1 (php56n)
php 5.5.17-nts (php55n)
php 5.4.33-nts (php54n)
php 5.3.29 (php53)
php 5.3.29-nts (php53n)
php 5.2.17 (php52)
Apache 2.4.10 (Apache)
Nginx 1.6.2 (nginx)
LightTPD 1.4.35 (Lighttpd)
MySQL 5.5.40 (MySQL)
MySQL-Front 5.3 (SQL-Front)
phpMyAdmin (phpMyAdmin)
pear 1.9.4 (pear)
OpenSSL 1.0.1e&0.9.8y
ZendOptimizer 3.3.3 (php5.2有)
Zend Loader 5.5.0 (php5.3有)
Zend Loader 6.0.0 (php5.4有)
wincache 1.3.5 (fastcgi有)
php_opcache 7.0.3 (ZendOpcache扩展)
xdebug 2.2.5
xcache 3.1.0
eAccelerator 1.0&0.9.6
php_sqlsrv (MSSQL扩展)
php_pdo_sqlsrv (PDO-MSSQL扩展)
SendMail 3.2 (sendmail)






1. 为了减少出错安装路径不得有汉字,如有防火墙开启,会提示是否信任httpd、mysqld运行,请选择全部允许。
2. 此为apache+php方案,需要Nginx+php方案的请到www.phpStudy.net下载phpfind,Lighttpd+PHP方案下载phpLight。
3. 重装系统后或相关服务丢失时,只需要点一下『运行模式-应用』即可。
4. 可通过菜单『卸载相关服务』进行卸载相关服务。
5. 在『启动』、『停止』、『重启』三个启停按钮上右键可以有选择地进行启停,左键将控制全部的启停。
6. 菜单『phpStudy 设置』可以进行php,apche,mysql的相关设置。菜单『站点域名设置』可以进行站点及域名的添加。
7. 本程序分为安装版和非安装版,无论是安装还是免安装,最后的效果完全一致。
8. 端口问题无法启动时,请使用菜单『强制启动端口』进行端口检测,尝试启动。



MySQL数据库默认用户名:root,密码root (为什么很多人看不到呢!!!)

====phpStudy提示没安装Zend或Zend Optimizer not Installed======
phpStudy是自带Zend Optimizer和Zend Guard Loader,
但是php5.3及以后的版本Zend Optimizer改名Zend Guard Loader。
php5.3及以后的版本Zend Optimizer改名Zend Guard Loader。
也就是说需要Zend Optimizer的程序将不能安装到php5.3以后的版本。
需要Zend Guard Loader的切换到php5.3和php5.4,但是必须是以fastcgi模式运行

但是在安装前要注意激活FastCGI 模块
默认安装的 IIS 中 FastCGI 模块被关闭。要激活其的步骤在不同版本的 Windows 下不同。

要在 Windows Vista SP1 和 Windows 7 中激活 FastCGI 支持:
在 Windows 开始菜单中选择“运行...”(或在搜索框内),输入“optionalfeatures.exe”并按“确定”(或敲回车键);
在“Windows 功能”对话框中展开“Internet 信息服务”,“万维网服务”,“应用程序开发功能”,并选中“CGI”的选择框;

要在 Windows Server 2008 和 Windows Server 2008 R2 中激活 FastCGI 支持:
在 Windows 开始菜单中选择 "运行:",输入 "CompMgmtLauncher" 并点击 "确定";
或 打开服务器管理器-添加角色-Web 服务器(IIS),再勾选CGI后安装

激活FastCGI 模块后切换到phpstudy的IIS7+php5.2-5.5即可






不能启动 参照:


1. 如何调试打开PHP 参照:
2. 无法正常启动时 参照:
3. 如何修改端口及WWW目录 参照:
4. 修改或重置MySQL密码 参照:
5. 快速建立MySQL数据库 参照:
6. 如何添加多站点 参照:
7. 如何控制单一启停 参照:
8. 重装系统后启动 参照:
9. 如何更新升级 参照:
10. 提示没安装Zend或Zend Optimizer not Installed 参照:
11. IIS7/8快速安装PHP及注意事项 参照:
12. 如何禁止或允许站点目录列表 参照:
13. 自带Ftp Server如何使用 参照:
14. 自带挂马监视器如何使用 参照:

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To: -
Results (English) 1: [Copy]
phpStudy 2014.10.02"Introduction" The package integrates the latest Apache+Nginx+LightTPD+PHP+MySQL+phpMyAdmin+Zend Optimizer+Zend Loader, once installed, can be used without configuration, it is very convenient and easy to use PHP debug environment. The program only 35M green small simple mini, a dedicated Control Panel. In general learn PHP just a bag. For the novice to learn PHP, WINDOWS environment configuration is a very difficult matter; for veterans is a complicated thing. So whether you're a novice or a veteran, this package is a good choice.1, a comprehensive for Win2000/XP/2003/win7/win8/win2008 operating system, supports Apache, IIS, LightTPD and Nginx.2, the following software is packaged, in parentheses correspond to a directory under phpstudy. php 5.6.1 (php56n) php 5.5.17-nts (php55n) php 5.4.33-nts (php54n) php 5.3.29 (php53) php 5.3.29-nts (php53n) php 5.2.17 (php52) Apache 2.4.10 (Apache) Nginx 1.6.2 (nginx) LightTPD 1.4.35 (Lighttpd) MySQL 5.5.40 (MySQL) MySQL-Front 5.3 (SQL-Front) phpMyAdmin (phpMyAdmin) pear 1.9.4 (pear) OpenSSL 1.0.1e&0.9.8y ZendOptimizer 3.3.3 (PHP5.2) Zend Loader 5.5.0 (PHP5.3) Zend Loader 6.0.0 (PHP5.4) Wincache 1.3.5 (FastCGI) Php_opcache 7.0.3 (ZendOpcache extension) xdebug 2.2.5 xcache 3.1.0 eAccelerator 1.0&0.9.6 Php_sqlsrv (MSSQL extension) Php_pdo_sqlsrv (PDO-MSSQL extension) SendMail 3.2 (sendmail)3, MySQL database, the default user name: root, root password, you can reset the password after installation.4, this program is pure green, supports the 22 combinations of a key switch supports two system services and non-services startup mode, switch. Change the installation path or copy to another computer also works on; even finished running and then change the path can run, truly without having to configure. Overrides the control panel more effective visual control start and stop.5, bring your own FTP server supports multiple users, do not need to install the FTP server. Website monitor, log file at any time to modify, hanging file nowhere.6, this program is the perfect support for II7,IIS8 and IIS6. Upon request from users making Nginx and Lighttpd version. Nginx version phpfind,Lighttpd version phpLight.Recommended: learn JSP JspStudy."Introduction"JspStudy integrated JDK+tomcat+Apache+mysql,JSP environment configuration to start. Without any configuration changes you can quickly build a server that supports JSP runtime environment.Extract the pure green, and support system service and non-service started, switch. More effective and intuitive control panel to control the starting and stopping.JspStudy configure a complex JSP environment simple."Special attention"1. in order to reduce error install path must not have Chinese characters, such as Firewall opens, you are prompted to trust the httpd and mysqld running, select allow all.2. the Apache+PHP programme, need to Nginx+php program please go to download phpLight download phpfind,Lighttpd+PHP programme.3. After you reinstall the system or related services is lost, just click "run mode-application".4. via the menu "uninstall related services" to uninstall related services.5. in the "start", "stop" and "reset" three right-can optionally start and stop buttons to start and stop, the left will control the starting and stopping of all.6. the menu "set phpStudy" to PHP,apche,MySQL the relevant settings. Menu "site domain name settings" you can add site and domain names.7. this procedure is divided into the installation version and a non-installed version, whether it is installed or from the installation, the final effect is exactly the same.8. the port cannot be started, please use the menu to "force the starting port" port testing, try to start.Difference between system service and non-service started:System service boot: Boot starts, suitable for server use often or do, there's no need to manually start the service will start with the boot, stability benefits program is running.Non-service start: you need to manually start, suitable for occasional use. Will not start the associated process is not in use to save computer resources."Special statement" the program does not have any commercial purpose, is called phpStudy, for learning purposes only, and may not be used for commercial purposes; the software copyrighted by the original authors of all included in the program. For any losses caused to you by using this program, I am not responsible!Default MySQL database user name: root, root password (why do so many people don't see it!!!)====PhpStudy prompt no Zend and Zend Optimizer not installed Installed======PhpStudy is the Zend Optimizer, Zend Guard Loader,PHP5.3 and later renamed version of Zend Optimizer Zend Guard Loader. PHP5.3 and later renamed version of Zend Optimizer Zend Guard Loader. Is Zend's official name is not me. Which means you'll need Zend Optimizer version of the program cannot be installed to the PHP5.3. So after you download the phpStudy switch to PHP5.2 can solve the problem. Need Zend Guard Loader switch to PHP5.3 and PHP5.4, but must be running in FastCGI modeReference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/181.html====IIS7/8 quick install PHP and phpStudy considerations =======PhpStudy support win7/8 and win2008/2012 IIS7/8. Win8 's best run as administrator. Already tested n times.But before the installation should pay attention to activate the FastCGI moduleIn a default installation of IIS FastCGI module is turned off. The steps to activate the different in different versions of Windows.To activate the FastCGI support in Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 7:In the Windows Start menu, select "run ..." (or in the search box), type "optionalfeatures.exe" and press "OK" (or hit enter);In the "Windows features" dialog box, expand the "Internet information services", "Web server", "application development features" and check the "CGI" checkbox;Click the OK button and wait for the installation to complete.In Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 activation FastCGI support in:On the Windows Start menu choose "run:", type "CompMgmtLauncher" and click "OK";Or open the Server Manager add-role Web server (IIS), and then after checking CGI installationActivate the switch to FastCGI module phpstudy IIS7+php5.2-5.5Reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/182.html==== Does not start problems ==========Some students say cannot be used under win7, this program has been in the Win2000/xp/2003/win7/win8/win2008 test is successful, professional version of the operating system. Apache won't start, because one is the firewall blocking, and port 80 is already in use by another program, such as IIS, Thunderbolt; the VC9 runtime is not installed, PHP, and Apache is the VC9 compiler. Solve the three problems mentioned above, 99% once the installation is successful, how does not succeed, that 1% may be the character, don't contact me.The user is not an administrator administrator, right-click Run as administrator. Win8 's best run as administrator. Involved in management of service process must run as an administrator.Port problems when it fails to start, please use menu "environment port test" to detect port, try to start. The most important thing, your machine must install VC9 runtime, phpStudy install path must not have Chinese characters.32-bit download the VC9 runtime: VC9 runtime 64-bit download: VC11 Runtime download: start the reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/184.html QQ:282129207 The problem please read the following contents. =================1. How do I debug open PHP reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/183.html2. unable to start correctly reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/184.html3. How do I modify the reference ports and WWW directories: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/185.html4. modify or reset MySQL password reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/186.html5. quickly create MySQL database reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/187.html6. how to add a site reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/188.html7. how to control a single start/stop reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/189.html8. reinstall the system starts after the reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/190.html9. how to update the reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/191.html10. tips Zend and Zend Optimizer is not installed not Installed reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/181.html11. IIS7/8 quick installation of PHP and note references: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/182.html12. How do I disable or allow Web directory lists references: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/192.html13. bring your own Ftp Server using the reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/193.html14. bring your own horse hung monitor how to use reference: http://www.phpstudy.NET/a.php/194.html
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
phpStudy 2014.10.02
"Software Description"
This package integrates the latest Apache + Nginx + LightTPD + PHP + MySQL + phpMyAdmin + Zend Optimizer + Zend Loader, a one-time installation, no configuration can be used, it is very convenient, easy to use PHP debugging environment. This program is just a green compact simple mini-35M, a dedicated control panel. Just a short learning PHP package.
Learning PHP novice, under WINDOWS environment configuration is a very difficult thing; for veterans is a troublesome thing. So whether you are a novice or a veteran, the package is a good choice.
1, overall for Win2000 / XP / 2003 / win7 / win8 / win2008 operating system that supports Apache, IIS, Nginx and LightTPD.
2, the package integrates the following software in parentheses next phpstudy corresponding directory.
PHP 5.6.1 (php56n)
PHP 5.5.17-nts (php55n)
PHP 5.4.33-nts (php54n)
PHP 5.3.29 (php53)
PHP 5.3.29-nts (php53n)
PHP 5.2.17 (php52)
Apache 2.4 .10 (Apache)
Nginx 1.6.2 (nginx)
LightTPD 1.4.35 (Lighttpd)
MySQL 5.5.40 (MySQL)
MySQL-Front 5.3 (SQL-Front)
phpMyAdmin (phpMyAdmin)
1.9.4 pear (pear)
OpenSSL 1.0.1e & 0.9.8y
ZendOptimizer 3.3.3 (PHP5.2 has)
Zend Loader 5.5.0 (php5.3 there)
Zend Loader 6.0.0 (php5.4 there)
WinCache 1.3.5 (FastCGI have)
php_opcache 7.0.3 (ZendOpcache extension)
xdebug 2.2.5
3.1.0 xcache
eAccelerator 1.0 & 0.9.6
php_sqlsrv (MSSQL extension)
php_pdo_sqlsrv (PDO-MSSQL extension)
SendMail 3.2 (sendmail) 3, MySQL database default username: root, password root, after installation please reset your password. 4, the pure green program, supports 22 kinds of combinations of a key switch, support services and non-services between the two methods, the free switch. Change the installation path or copied to another computer can be run properly; even finished running and then change the path can run, really you need to configure. Rewrite intuitive control panel start and stop more effective control program. 5, comes with FTP server, support multiple users, without the need to install an FTP server. Own website linked to horse monitor, keep records of the revision of the file, so the file linked to horse nowhere to hide. 6, this program perfect support II7, IIS8 and IIS6. Users make the request Lighttpd Nginx version and version. Nginx version of phpfind, Lighttpd version of phpLight. Recommended: Learning JSP with JspStudy. "Software Description" JspStudy integrated JDK + tomcat + Apache + mysql, JSP environment configuration a key to start. Without modifying any configuration can be quickly set up to support JSP server operating environment. Pure green decompression can, support services and non-services between the two methods, the free switch. More effective intuitive control panel start and stop control program. JspStudy complex JSP environment configuration simplified. "Special attention" 1. In order to reduce errors installation path can not have Chinese characters, if a firewall is turned on, you will be prompted whether to trust httpd, mysqld running, select Allow all. 2. This is the apache + php program, we need to go Nginx + php program download phpfind, Lighttpd + PHP program download phpLight. 3. After reinstalling the system or related services is missing, just point click "Run mode - application" can be. 4. via the menu "Uninstall related services" uninstall related services. 5. In the "start", "stop", "restart" of the three start-stop button on the right can selectively start and stop, the left will control all of the start and stop. 6. Menu "phpStudy Setup" can be related settings php, apche, mysql's. Menu "Name Set" sites and domain names can be added. 7. This program is divided into a non-installed version and install version, either installation or free installation, the final effect is entirely consistent. 8. port problem does not start, please use the menu "forced start port" port detection, try to start. Difference between system services and non-service starts: a system service start: boot will start for frequent use or do the server, without having to manually start the service will start with the power and benefits of the program is stable. Non-service starts: the need to manually start it, often for occasional use it. In the case will not start without the use of related processes, saving computer resources. "Special Notices" This program is not for any commercial purpose, the reason named phpStudy, only for learning, not for commercial purposes; software belongs to the original author of the program are included. For this program to any loss caused you, I am not responsible! MySQL database default username: root, password root (Why do so many people do not see it !!!) ==== phpStudy not prompted to install Zend or Zend Optimizer not Installed ====== phpStudy is carrying Zend Optimizer and Zend Guard Loader, but php5.3 and later renamed the Zend Optimizer Zend Guard Loader. php5.3 and later renamed the Zend Optimizer Zend Guard Loader. Zend official is not my renamed reform yo. That need Zend Optimizer program will not install to php5.3 later. So after switching to download phpStudy php5.2 problems can be solved. Zend Guard Loader need to switch to php5.3 and php5.4, but must be based on fastcgi mode reference: HTTP: // ==== IIS7 / 8 Quick Installation PHP and phpStudy Notes ======= phpStudy supports win7 / 8 and win2008 / 2012 of IIS7 / 8. win8 best to run as administrator. I have been tested N times. However, before the installation should pay attention to activate FastCGI module installed by default in IIS FastCGI module is turned off. To activate its steps in the different versions of Windows, different. To enable FastCGI support on Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 7: Select "Run ..." (or the search box), enter "optionalfeatures.exe" in the Windows Start menu and press "OK" (or hit the Enter key ); expand the "Internet Information Services" in the "Windows Features" dialog, "Web Services", "Application Development Features" and select "CGI" selection box; click the OK button and wait for the installation to complete. To in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server R2 2008 activation FastCGI support: In the Windows Start menu, choose "Run:", type "CompMgmtLauncher" and click "OK"; or open Server Manager - Add Roles -Web Server (IIS) After re-checking the CGI installation switch activated FastCGI module to IIS7 + php5.2-5.5 to phpstudy of reference: HTTP: // ==== not start Problems ========== individual students say can not be used under win7, this procedure has been / win7 / win8 / win2008 successfully tested in Win2000 / xp / 2003, Professional Edition operating systems. apache will not start, because one firewall interception, the second port 80 is already in use by another program, such as IIS, Thunder; three is not VC9 runtime, php and apache are VC9 compile and install. Solve the above three problems, 99% one-time installation was successful, how can not succeed, and that 1 percent is probably the character issue, do not contact me. Administrator user is not an administrator, please right-Run as administrator. win8 best to run as administrator. Involves service management processes must run as administrator. When the port problem does not start, please use the menu "Environmental port detection" port detection, try to start. The most important thing, your machine must be installed VC9 runtime, phpStudy installation path can not have Chinese characters. 32 of VC9 Runtime Download: HTTP: // ID = 5582? 64-bit runtime VC9 download: http: // -CN / download / Details.aspx ID = 15336? VC11 Runtime Download: http: // id = 30679? not start referring to: http: // www. QQ: 282 129 207 ===== have problems, please read the following carefully. ================= 1. How to debug PHP open reference: http: // 2. not start properly reference: 3. How to modify the ports and WWW catalog reference: HTTP: // 4. Modify or reset MySQL password reference: HTTP: // 5. Referring to quickly build MySQL database: HTTP: // 6. How to Add Multi-site reference: HTTP: // 7. How to control a single start-stop reference: HTTP: // 8. Heavy After loading the system starts reference: HTTP: // 9. How upgrade of reference: HTTP: // 10. Tips did not install Zend or Zend Optimizer not Installed reference: HTTP: // 11. IIS7 / 8 Quick Install PHP and precautions reference: http: // a.php / 182.html 12. How to prohibit or allow the site directory listing reference: HTTP: // 13. Ftp Server comes with how to use the reference: http: // www / a.php / 193.html 14. How to use the monitor comes with horse hung reference: http: //

Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
phpStudy Apache LightTPD Nginx MySQL PHP Zend phpMyAdmin Zend Optimizer Loader PHP, a one-time installation, no configuration can be used, it is very convenient, easy to debug environment. The program is a simple, compact and simple 35M, a special control panel. In short learning PHP just a package.
for the novice to learn PHP, under Windows environment configuration is a very difficult thing to do; the veteran is a trivial matter. So whether you are a novice or a veteran, the package is a good choice.
1, fully suitable for the Win2000/XP/2003/win7/win8/win2008 operating system, support Apache, IIS, Nginx and LightTPD.
2, the package is integrated with the following software, the corresponding phpstudy.
5.6.1 PHP (php56n)
5.5.17-nts PHP (php55n)
PHP PHP (php54n)
5.3.29 PHP (php53)
5.3.29-nts PHP (php53n)
5.2.17 Apache (php52)
2.4.10 Nginx (Apache)
1.6.2 LightTPD (nginx)
1.4.35 (Lighttpd)
5.5.40 MySQL (MySQL)
MySQL-Front 5(SQL-Front)
phpMyAdmin (phpMyAdmin)
pear 1.9.4 (pear)
OpenSSL 1.0.1e / 0.9.8y
ZendOptimizer 3.3.3 (php5.2)
Zend loader 5.5.0 (php5.3)
Zend loader 6.0.0 (php5.4)
wincache 1.3.5 (fastcgi)
PHP Php_opcache 7.0.3 (extended ZendOpcache)
Xdebug 2.2.5
Xcache 3.1.0
eaccelerator 1.0 / 0.9.6
PHP Php_sqlsrv (MSSQL expansion)
PHP PDO Php_pdo_sqlsrv (PDO-MSSQL expansion)
sendmail 3.2 (sendmail)

3,MySQL database default user name: root, password root, please reset your password.

4, this program is pure green, supports 22 kinds of combination of a key to switch, support system service and non service two kinds of starting mode, free switching. Change the installation path or copy to another computer can also run; even if it is running, and then change the path can also run, real do not need to configure. Rewrite the control panel to make the control program more effective and intuitive.

5, comes with FTP server, supports multiple users, no need to install FTP server. With web Trojan monitor, modify records of files at any time,Let the horse run file.

6, this program is perfect support II7, IIS8 and IIS6. Should the user's request to produce Nginx and Lighttpd. Nginx version of phpfind, Lighttpd version of phpLight. Recommendation: learn to use JSP JspStudy. JDK
JspStudy Tomcat Apache MySQL JSP, environment configuration a button to start. You can quickly build a server running environment without modifying any configuration.

pure green extract can support system services and non service two kinds of startup mode, free switching. The control panel is more effective and intuitive to control the start and stop of the program.
JspStudy simple configuration of complex JSP environment.
"special attention"
1. In order to reduce the error installation path does not have the Chinese character, such as firewall turned on, will be prompted whether or not to trust the httpd, mysqld run, please select all allowed.
2. this is a PHP Apache program, the need for PHP Nginx program to download the phpfind, PHP Lighttpd program download phpLight. After the
3. reload system or related service is lost, only need to click the "running mode - Application". The
4. can be used to unload the related services through the menu.
5. in the "start" and "stop","Restart" three start and stop button on the right button can have a choice of starting and stopping, the left button will control all the start and stop.
6. menu "phpStudy settings" can be PHP, apche, MySQL related settings. Menu "site domain name set" can be the site and domain name.
7. this procedure is divided into the installation and the non - installation version, whether it is installed or installed, the final effect is completely consistent. When the
8. port problem is not started, use the menu, "force start port", for port detection, try starting.

system service and non service startup difference:
system service start: boot will start,Suitable for regular use or do the server, without manual start, service will start with the start, the benefits of the program running stable.
non service startup: you need to manually start, for the occasional use of A. In the case of not using the situation will not start the relevant process, so as to save the resources of the computer.

"special statement" the program without any commercial purpose that the reason why the name phpStudy, only learning to use, shall not be used for commercial purposes; the program, including the software copyright belong to the original author. I will not be responsible for any loss caused to you by using this program!

MySQL database default user name: root,Password root (why many people do not see it!!!)

====phpStudy tips are not installed Zend or Optimizer not Installed======
phpStudy Zend Optimizer Zend and Zend Guard Loader, php5.3 and Zend Zend Optimizer Loader Guard.
php5.3 and later versions of Optimizer Zend Guard Loader Zend. Zend is the official name is not I change yo. That is to say, the Optimizer Zend program will not be installed until the php5.3 later. So download phpStudy after switching to php5.2 can solve the problem. Guard Loader Zend is required to switch to php5.3 and php5.4, but it must be run in fastcgi mode with mode:

====IIS7/8 quick install PHP and phpStudy note =======
phpStudy supports win7/8 and IIS7/8 win2008/2012. Win8 best to run as administrator. N has been tested. But before installing the IIS module, the FastCGI module is closed by default. To activate its steps in different versions of Windows.

To activate Windows support in Vista SP1 FastCGI and Windows 7:
select "run" (or in the search box), enter "optionalfeatures.exe" and press "OK" (or knock the Enter key); "Internet information service", "application development capabilities", and select "CGI" option.

to activate the FastCGI support in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2:
In the windows start menu select "run", enter the CompMgmtLauncher and click on the "OK";
or open server manager add role - a web server (IIS) and then hook after selecting a CGI install

fastcgi module is activated switch to phpstudy IIS7 php5.2-5.5 can be

reference: problem ==========

==== cannot start with individual students said can not be used in win7, successfully tested the procedures have been in Win2000/xp/2003/win7/win8/win2008 under, the operating system professional edition. Apache can't start,One reason is the firewall to intercept, two is the 80 port has been occupied by other procedures, such as IIS, thunder, etc.; three is not installed VC9 runtime, PHP and Apache are VC9 compiler. To solve the above three problems, the 99% can be a one-time installation of success, how can not succeed, the 1% may be the problem of character, do not contact me.

administrator user is not an administrator, please right-click run as administrator. Win8 best to run as administrator. Involved in the process of service management must be run as administrator. When the port problem can't be started, please use the menu "environment port detection" for port detection,Try starting. The most important point, the machine you must install the VC9 runtime, phpStudy installation path does not have Chinese characters.

32, VC9,,, VC9, id=5582
64,,,,,,, details.aspx, id=15336
VC11, id=30679



===== QQ:282129207
have a problem, please read the following carefully. =================

1. how to debug open PHP reference:
2. can not normally start reference:
3. how to modify the port and WWW directory reference:
4. repair or reset the MySQL password reference:
5. MySQL database to quickly establish a reference:
6. how to add multi site reference:
7. how to control a single start and stop reference:
8. Zend system after the start of the reference:
9. how to update and upgrade
10. Optimizer not Installed ZendIIS7/8 quick install PHP and matters needing attention of reference:
12. to prohibit or allow the site directory list reference:
13. comes with FTP server how to use reference: 193.html
14. own horse monitor how to use reference:

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