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English) 2:
Chapter 6 The Secret Garden Two days later, the weather. Mary up woke and went to the window. Look at the moor!' she cried to Martha. The sky was blue, and the moor looked very beautiful. "Yes, it's nearly spring' said Martha. I'd lik to see your house, Martha, Mary said. I'Il ask my mother, said Martha. "She'd lik to meet you." "I don't know your, mother but i lik her, Mary said. 'And I don't know Dickon, but i like him too s'll meet Dickon one day. Do you think he'll like you?" Martha asked. No, said Mary in a cold, little voice. People never like me! "And do you like Mary?' Martha asked. Mary thought for a minute. No, I don't think I do, she said. That Morning, Mary Felt sad and cross. Shewent outside and began to feel better. She went into the first kitchen garden and found Ben Weatherstaff there. 'Spring's.coming' he said. Things are growing. You watch! ' i will,' said Mary. She looked round and saw the robin. He put his head on one side and looked up at her. Do you think he remembers me?" she asked. "Of course he remembers youl cried siwed Ben Weatherstaff. He wants to know you. "Are the things grow ing in his garden? Mary asked. "What Garden?" Ben asked crossly. "The garden with the rose-trees, Mary answered. "Ask him, said Ben. He knows Mary said goodbye to the old man and walked slowly over the gardens to the wall of the secret garden. I like the secret garden and the robin, she thought. "And 1 don't know Dickon or his mother, but i lik them. And Martha is
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