Report Report爱是一种遇见 一种心疼 2013-10-23 大海、旅游、人很多女孩一旦被人感动了,就会 迅速爱上对方。但一直想说 translation - Report Report爱是一种遇见 一种心疼 2013-10-23 大海、旅游、人很多女孩一旦被人感动了,就会 迅速爱上对方。但一直想说 English how to say

Report Report爱是一种遇见 一种心疼 2013-10-23

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爱是一种遇见 一种心疼 2013-10-23 大海、旅游、人

很多女孩一旦被人感动了,就会 迅速爱上对方。但一直想说,浪漫不 是爱,嘘寒问暖不是爱,陪聊陪笑不 是爱,那只是泡妞的手段。真正的 爱,是牺牲了自己某一部分,来成全 你,让你变的更好。所以,不要找一 个可以感动你的人,而要找爱你的 人。爱不是感动,而是成全。 两个性格接近的人,在生活里一 定会有问题,他们相爱,想要生活下 去,必然有个人需要做出巨大的牺 牲,这种牺牲包括性格的改变,容 忍,妥协和自我折磨。很多人在面对 这抉择时,往往会问,为什么牺牲的 人是我?为什么不是对方?答案只有 一个,因为爱,有些事就那么简单。 不爱就顽固,爱就妥协。

爱就是要努力在一起,不要相信 日韩肥皂剧中所谓的因为不能让彼此 幸福而离开。是否想过,你们正是对 方的幸福。爱不是逃避,是努力。不 是逃避着给彼此幸福的责任,而是努 力的实现让彼此幸福的义务。 真正的爱情,要懂得珍惜,没有 谁和谁是天生就注定在一起的。一辈 子其实不长,能遇心爱的人,是多么 幸运的事,为何不紧握着他的手呢。 一辈子只爱一个人,并不丢人。心里 明明知道,除了他外还会有更优秀的 人出现,可是一个人不能这么贪心 的。一颗心需要另一颗心坦诚相待, 这样才可以幸福。

我在等一个人,一个愿意走进我 的生命分享我的喜怒哀乐的人,一个 知道我曾经无尽的等待因而更加珍惜 我的人,一个也许没能参与我的昨天 却愿意和我携手走过每一个明天的 人,一个知道我不完美却依然喜欢我 甚至连我得不完美也一并欣赏的人。 女孩的碰到什么样的的男的都不 要紧,就怕遇到了传说中的洋葱王 子,你想要看到他的心,只有一层一 层地剥掉他的外衣,在这个过程中他 不断地让你流泪,最后才知道,原来 洋葱根本就没有心。

爱情,就像三国,合久必分,分 久必合;爱情,也像西游,九九八十 一难,方才取得真爱;爱情,更像红 楼,总有一群人把它奉为圭臬,耗费 毕生研究它;爱情,最像的还是水 浒,管你有多轰轰烈烈,最终都得被 生活招安。 假如你爱上了两个人,选择第二 个。因为如果你真爱第一个,就不会 去爱其他人。

爱是一种遇见,不能等待,也不 能准备。 麦兜说,有事情是要说出来的, 不要等着对方去领悟,因为对方不是 你,不知道你想要什么,等到最后只 能是伤心和失望,尤其是感情。

爱是一种心疼。只有心疼才是发 自最内心的感受,温柔可以伪装,浪 漫可以制造,美丽可以修饰,只有心 疼才是最原始的情感。 原来我们一直寻找的爱情其实就 是一种被人心疼和心疼他人的感觉。 如果你独在异地他乡 ,是否想 过:此时是否有人为你牵挂,为你担 心,心疼你的奔波、心疼你的无助、 心疼你有没有按时吃饭.....也许有些 人会觉得这思念未免有些不够浪漫和 唯美,其实爱就是两人之间累积起来 的所有的心疼。 当你在雨夜中打着寒战,有个人 一边嗔怪,一边把自己的衣衫披到你 身上的时候;当冬日里,那个人心疼 的把你冻得通红的小手放进自己的手 心;当吃饭时,那个人把所有的肉都 放进你的碗中;当你走在街头,那个 人突然蹲下身子为你系上那开了的鞋 带......

如果此刻的你在这样地心疼着一 个人,那么我想这就是爱,这就是令 无数人费解的爱。原来,爱就是一种 心疼和被心疼的感觉。 爱一个人就 会心疼一个人,而心疼一个人,你就 会甘愿为他的幸福和快乐而付出,并 且无怨无悔。 问问自己,你现在这样心疼着一 个人吗?有人这样心疼着你吗?当你 心疼一个人的时候,爱其实就在你心 里了。 人为什么需要爱?人需要爱是因 为需要一个真心疼她(他)的人! 因为,爱的最高境界是——心疼!

(部分资料来源于网络,本刊改编) --------------------






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met one kind of love is a distressed 2013-10-23 ocean, travel, people

many girls who once moved, it will quickly fall in love with each other. But always wanted to say, romance is not love, not love greetings, chatting Peixiao not love, means that only a girl. True love is sacrifice a part of themselves to fulfill you, so better you become. So, do not look for a person who can move you, and find people who love you. Love is not moved, but to fulfill. Two personalities close to the people, there will be problems in life, they love each other and want to live,Necessarily have a personal need to make enormous sacrifices, including changing the character of this sacrifice, tolerance, compromise and self-torture. Many people in the face of this decision, often ask why the sacrifice is me? Why not the other? Only one answer, because of love, something that simple. Not stubborn love, love compromise.

Love is to strive together, Japanese and Korean soap operas do not believe in the so-called because they can not make each other happy and leave. Wonder whether it is happy for you party. Love is not escape, is hard. Not escape the responsibility to each other happiness,Instead of efforts to achieve happiness obligations to each other. True love, to cherish, no one who is born and destined together. In fact, life is not long, to the case of a loved one, how lucky thing, why not clasped his hands of it. Lifetime love a person, not shame. My heart knowing that, in addition to his outside there will be better people there, but a person can not be so greedy. A frank heart needs another heart, so that it can be happy.

I'm waiting for a person, willing to come into my life who share my emotions,I once knew an endless wait so cherish me, one I might not be able to participate in yesterday and I was willing to walk hand in hand tomorrow every person to know I'm not perfect but I still like the perfect not even me Debu also be admire. What kind of girls met the man does not matter, afraid to encounter the legendary Prince of onions, you want to see his heart, only one layer peeled off his coat, he continued in this process let your tears, and the last to know, the original onion simply do not mind.

Love, like three, together for a long minute, long period of division; love,Like Journey, Hong eighty-one hard, just made love; love, like Red, there is always a group of people it regarded as a model, spent a lifetime studying it; love is most like Water Margin, pipe you how vigorous, eventually have been living amnesty. If you fell in love with two people, choose the second. Because if you love the first one, you will not love other people.

Love is met, can not wait, can not prepare. McDull said, there are things out is to say, not waiting for the other to comprehend, because the other side is not you, do not know what you want, until finally only be sad and disappointed, especially feelings.

Love is a distressed. Only from the bottom is the most distressed inner feelings, gentle can camouflage, romance can be manufactured, the beautiful can be modified, only the distressed is the most primitive emotions. We had been looking for love is actually a being of others feeling pained and distressed. If you're alone in a foreign country, whether thought: At this point if someone you care, you worry, you run around distressed, distressed and helpless you, do not feel bad that you have time to eat ..... maybe some people will think This yearning is somewhat romantic and beautiful enough, in fact, love is built up between the two all distressed.When you name a rainy night in the chill, while personal rebuke, while his own clothes to your body when disclosure; When the winter, that person distressed red with cold your little hand into his palm; When dinner , that person put all the meat into your bowl; When you walk in the street, the man suddenly opened a squat body for that laces on your system ......

If you are in at the moment Such a person to feel bad, then I think this is love, this is hard to understand so many people love. It turned out that love is a feeling distressed and was distressed. Love a person will feel bad a person, but a person feel bad,You will be willing for his happiness and joy to pay, and no regrets. Ask yourself, the way you feel bad now with a man? It was so distressed with you? When you feel bad when a person, in fact, love is in your heart again. Why do people need love? People need love because you need a really distressed her (his) people! Because, the highest state of love is - distressed!

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love is a meet a distressed 2013-10-23 sea, tourism, people

a lot of girls being touched, will quickly fall in love with each other. But always want to say, romantic is not love, not love ask people whether they feel hot, that smile is not love, it was just a means of flirt with hot chicks. True love, is the sacrifice of their own part, to help you, make you better. So, don't find a can move you, but to find people who love you. Love is not touched, but do. Two character close to people, in life there must be a problem, they fall in love, want to live,Someone's bound to great sacrifices made, the sacrifice includes personality change, tolerance, compromise and self torture. A lot of people in the face of this decision, often ask the question, why sacrifice is me? Why not others? There is only one answer, because love, something so simple. Didn't love is stubborn, love will compromise.

love is to strive together, do not believe that Japan and South Korea so-called soap operas because we can not let them leave happy. Ever thought of, you are on the side of happiness. Love is not to escape, is to. Not evade the responsibility to each other happiness,But the effort to make each other happy obligations. True love, cherish, no one who is born to be together. Life is not long, can meet the beloved person, is a lucky thing, why not hold his hand. Lifetime love a person, not a disgrace. The heart knows, but he will have more excellent person, but a person can not be so greedy. One heart to another heart honesty, so that they can be happy.

I am waiting for a person, who is willing to go into my life and share my the passions of the people,A know I have been waiting so cherish me, one may not be part of my yesterday is willing to and I together every tomorrow, who knows I am not perfect but still love me even my imperfection. The girl's encounter what kind of man does not matter, but met with onion prince in the legend, you want to see his heart, only a layer to peel off his coat, in this process, he continued to make you cry, the last to know, the original onion didn't want.

love, like the Three Kingdoms, hard, cent is long to love,Also like the journey to the west, nine nine eighty-one difficult, just have love; love, more like the red building, there is a group of people to look up to as the standard, spent his life to study it; love, like most of still water Hu, you how with vigour and vitality, and ultimately have to be living amnesty. If you love two persons, select the second. For if you truly love the first, will not love other people.

love is a meet, can not wait, also not ready. McDull said, there are things to say, don't wait for the other party to comprehend, because they are not you, do not know what you want, wait until the last can only be sad and disappointed, especially feelings.

.Love is a kind of love. Only love is the hair from the inner feelings, gentle and can be camouflaged, romantic can manufacture, beautiful can be modified, only the heart pain is the most primitive feelings. We have been looking for love actually is a kind of to be distressed and hurt the feelings of others. If you are alone in a foreign country, whether you want to live: is there for you about this time, was worried about you, love you, love you go helpless, love you have no time to eat..... Maybe some people will feel this missing is some not romantic and beautiful, in fact, love is between two people, the cumulative all love.When you're on a rainy night in the shivering, one side to blame, while their own clothes put to your body; when in the winter, that people love to you is red with cold hands into his hand; when the dinner, the man took all meat and put it into your bowl; when you walk in the street, suddenly the man squatted down to tie your shoes with the open...

if you at this moment under such a love a person, so I think this is love, this is that many people understand love. Originally, love is a kind of love and be the feeling of love. Love a person, love a person, love a person,You would be willing to pay for his happiness, and no regrets. Ask yourself, you love a person? People who love you? When you love a person, love is in your heart. Why do we need love? People need love is due to the need for a true love her (him)! Because, love is the highest realm -- love!

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Report met a distressed 2013-10-23 Report

love is a sea, tourism, people

girls once they are moved, it will quickly fall in love with each other. But wanted to say, romantic love, being not love girls to chat to accompany laughing is not love, it's just girls means. True love is to sacrifice a portion of their, they need you, make you feel better. So don't look for one who can touch you, and looking for people who love you. Love is not touched, but he did. Two personalities close to the people, there must be a problem in life, they love each other and want to live,Must have a personal need to make huge sacrifices, the sacrifice include personality changes, tolerance, compromise and self-torture. A lot of people when faced with this choice, will often ask, why I'm the one sacrifice? Why not the other? Only one answer, for love, there is something so simple. Stubborn without love is, love is compromise.

Love is to work together, do not believe that Japanese and Korean soap operas known as being unable to make each other happy and leave. Ever thought of, each other's blessings be upon you. Love does not escape, working hard. Escape to each other happy not responsible,Instead of trying to make each other happy obligation to fulfil. True love, cherish, and no one who was born and destined to be together. Life is not long, and can find a loved one, how fortunate thing is, why do we not clasped his hands. Only love a person, not an embarrassment. Know, in addition to him, there will be more good people there, but there was one not so greedy. A heart needs a heart, honest, so we can be happy.

I'm waiting for someone, anyone who would share my joy came into my life,Know I have endless waiting and more appreciative of my people, one may not be able to participate in one last May and I will walk each person tomorrow, one even knows I'm not perfect, but still likes me not perfect I also appreciate people. Girls come across kind of guy, never mind, just met the legendary Prince of onions, you want to see his heart, only one peeled off his coat, layer by layer, in the process, he continued to make you cry, the last to know, the original onions have no heart at all.

Love, like the three countries, long, long love,Journey to the West, 9,981, had just made love; love, more like Red House, there is always a group of people make it quack, spent studying it all his life, and love, most resembles, or is it all men are brothers, how much you bang eventually had to offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels by life. If you fall in love with two people, choose the second. Because if you really love the first one, would not have to love other people.

Love is a met, cannot wait, nor prepared. Mcdull said, things are going to say it, not waiting for the other to understand, because the other person is not you, do not know what you want, wait until I end up sad and disappointed, especially emotional.

Love's a heartache. Only the heart is from the most heart felt tenderly can disguise, romance can create, beautiful decorations, only the heartache is the most primitive emotions. We are always looking for love is a feeling of being pained and distressed others. If you live alone in a strange land, ever: at this time whether someone you care, worry about you, your rush, you're helpless and distressed if you have regular meals ... ... Maybe some people will think that this thinking is somewhat romantic and beautiful enough, in fact, love is all built up between the two. Dang you in rainy night in the hit with chills, has personal side was vexed that, side put themselves of clothes put to you body of when; Dang winter in, that personal distressed of put you frozen have red of small hand put into themselves of Palm; Dang dinner Shi, that people put all of meat are put into you of Bowl in the; dang you go in Street, that people suddenly squat Xia body for you Department Shang that opened has of laces......

If now of you in such to distressed with a people, so I wanted to this is love, this is orders countless people puzzling of love. It turns out that love is a feeling pained and distressed. Love a man can love a person, alone,You will be willing to pay for his happiness and joy and no regret. Ask yourself, do you love one as it is now? When someone hurts you? When you love someone, when love is in your heart. Why do people need love? People need love to because you need one really hurts her (his) people! Because love's highest State--feel bad!

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