日志《那些温暖一辈子小情 话,你的生活中也有微小 说!》昨天17:25 浏览(1.3万) 美女宝贝坊引导语:有时候,一句寒嘘就温暖你 整个心 translation - 日志《那些温暖一辈子小情 话,你的生活中也有微小 说!》昨天17:25 浏览(1.3万) 美女宝贝坊引导语:有时候,一句寒嘘就温暖你 整个心 English how to say

日志《那些温暖一辈子小情 话,你的生活中也有微小 说!》昨天17:25

日志《那些温暖一辈子小情 话,你的生活中也有微小 说!》

昨天17:25 浏览(1.3万) 美女宝贝坊

引导语:有时候,一句寒嘘就温暖你 整个心房,那些说一辈子也不会腻的 小情话,带给了多少人感动,久而久 之成了一个个承诺。其实,每个人生 活里都有微小说!




2、他背着她,她问他:“我沉 吗?”

“整个世界都背在身上,你说沉 不沉?”

3、举世闻名的预言家被自己心 爱的女人杀死

在临死前,那女人得意的 说:“什么预言家,你算得出全世界, 却算不了自己的命。”

预言家却无比凄凉的笑道:“在 见到你的那一刻,我就已经知道这结 局,只是在那一瞬间。


广播响起:请各位乘客带好你的 贵重物品下车。


5、男孩婚后对自己的妻子比婚 前更好。

一次聚会朋友笑他:“怎么结婚 了还那么腻…?”

他讪讪地笑着说:“结婚前很多 男生都想追她,很多男生会对她好, 我只有对她更好才能追到她;结婚后 对她好的男生越来越少,我只有对她 更好才能不让她失落。”



6、出差提前回来的阿鹏到家已 是很晚了,刚要敲门他又停下了心想 给妻子个惊喜,并试一下妻子的忠 贞。他用钥匙轻轻打开防盗门,屏住 呼吸来到卧室门口。里面竟传来一阵 阵男人的呼噜声,他抬脚踹开门,却 只看到被惊醒的妻子。她惊恐地睁大 了双眼,枕边妻子的手机里传来录制 的阿鹏的呼噜声。

7、生日宴会,相醉甚欢,男人 问女人:“你为什么会选择我?”

女人笑:“因为你有钱”,男人沉 默。

酒醒后,女人有所回悟,连忙问 男人:“昨晚你是不是问我个问题?”

男人点头:“我问你为什么选择 我?”




8、她要结婚了,前男友也在邀 请之列。婚礼上,众人玩起了认新郎 的游戏。新娘捂住眼睛,走到了新郎 跟前。新郎得意地看着前男友,前男 友则是淡淡地撇开了眼。新郎要上去 拥住新娘时,她却走向了前男友,摘 下了眼罩。前男友从西装里拿出了一 瓶香水,说:“这是你最喜欢的味 道,我,一直都带在身边。




他时,医生连连说他受了那样重的伤 还能活着是一个奇迹。

后来,她问他,他到底是怎样坚 持下来的。他微笑:“我当时一直在 想,如果我不在了,谁来给你幸福。 ”

10、一个小男孩对小女孩 说:“我是你的BF。”


男孩说是BestFriend(最好的朋 友)的意思。

再后来他们结婚生子到了风烛残 年的年纪

老公公对老婆婆说:“我是你的 BF。”


老公公微笑回答“BeForever! (永远这样)”

11、连续三年的情人节,他都会 收到来自同一个陌生号码的祝福短 信,只有短短五个字:情人节快乐。 他从来没有回复过。

第四年的情人节,那条短信没有 出现。他犹豫很久,终于对那个号码 发了句情人节快乐。很快便有了答 复”谢谢,你哪位?”

爱情不会在原地等谁,一不小 心,它便被时间带走了。

12、毕业那天,班长提议全班同 学坐成一个圈,每个人在纸条上写一 个自己的秘密,传给左边的人,这样 每人分享一个自己秘密的同时也保守 了一个别人的秘密。我故意坐在他的 左边。暗恋四年却没敢表白,能知道 一个他的秘密也好,我安慰自己。

传来的纸条上只有三个字:我爱 你。

13、一天,我看他在玩游戏,随 口问了句“篮球重要还是游戏重 要?”他想了想:“篮球”然后又补了 句“但都不是最重要的”我以为他会说 我最重要 可他面无表情:“扣扣最重 要”看到我失望的样子 他温柔一 笑:“因为扣扣上有你。”

14、桌旁的电话响了起来,是我 多年来挂念的她。听了电话,

她说:我们在一起吧?同时电话 里也传来了旁人嘻嘻的笑声。


电话里传来了一群人的大笑。我 似乎明白了什么,说道,你选的是大 冒险吗?

电话那头的她,冲破层层戏谑,说, 不,我选的是真心话。

15、结婚50年了,他们似乎把抱 怨印在骨子里了。几乎每天一睁眼, 对彼此的抱怨声就会马上响起。

们甚至不敢单独去看望他们,因为每 一次都会是一场耳朵的灾难。

又是一个早上,当他又开始抱怨 她的晚起时,突然发现她已经去了。 沉默了好久之后,他说出了最后的抱 怨:“为什么不等我一起走……”

16、两人分手后多年,在一个城 市不期而遇。






男的回答, “好”



17、“如果胖的我跟瘦的我同时 出现,你会选哪一个啊?”







男孩:陪我演场戏。女孩:演什 么?

男孩:演我老婆。女孩:演多 久?男孩:一辈子。

六十年后,一位白发苍苍的老奶 奶抚摸着病床上的老头子,感叹道: 如果这场戏永远没有全剧终该多好。

老头子:老太婆,我想求你一件 事。


老头子:下辈子,和我一起演续 集好不好!


那男拒绝道:“我答应了我的女 人不吸烟。”

那人说:“我不说,你不说,谁 知道你吸了?”


淡淡地说:“失信于自己的女 人,何以取信于世界?”

20、他是个坏学生,却喜欢上了 学习优异的她。情人节这天。在朋友 的怂恿下他终于鼓起勇气发信息问 她:Don'tyouloveme?她很快给了 回复:Yes,I do!

那一刻,看到这句话他是有些难 过的。而后毕业在即,这件事他也随 之抛之脑后。然而,他不知道,那天 她一直在等他,等他来牵她的手。

21、962464,这是一个男孩车 祸前一晚留给她的数字。说好了第二 天给她答案,没想到对她来说却永远 成了一个谜。她试过很多办法,却仍 然不知道数字代表什么。她想了想对 这个男孩的记忆:在她最困难的画面 里总有他,她牵过他的手,靠过他的 肩等等。

有天她发短信输了数字,手机显 示了3字:我爱你。

22、他出类拔萃,她平凡无奇。 她常独处一隅,偷望被众女生包围的 他。他不负众望获异地的一级大学录 取,她始终不敢表白。听说他不适应 新环境,成绩勉强,她担心,但连问 候的勇气也没有。

二人终于在旧生聚会中碰面。她 结结巴巴地问他:那儿,功课,很 难?他笑笑说:不,但那儿,没有 你,很难。

编后语:生活中我们扮演这许许多多 的角色!或许你的戏份不及别人的华 丽,可是你永远是你的主角,你也会 成为另一个人的主角,某些场景温润 了谁的心灵。 更多精彩日志: 教你巧用香蕉润唇护手和护足,非常 实用哦~会说话让你少奋斗20年,教 你说话的技巧,请听好!让你笑岔气 的经典笑话,赶紧来开心一下吧 ~~!我在试着遗忘,我在试着坚强 ~无论我有多坚强,你都是我最致命 的伤~~~50条恋爱铁则经典剖析,透 视恋爱“进行式”教你赢得爱情!轻松 一笑值千金,那些让人喷饭的笑话, 绝对“笑傲江湖”


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Log "Those little warm for a lifetime love, your life, there are micro-fiction! "

Yesterday, 17:25 View (13000)

beautiful baby Square introductory phrase: Sometimes, a warm winter boo on your whole heart, those who say that life is not greasy or small, it brings the number of people moving, Over time became a commitment. In fact, each has a life to live in micro-fiction!

1, he: Yesterday I dream about you.

Her: sure there are others, right?

He: Well, there I am.

2, his back to her, she asked him: "?, I sink it"

"? Whole world back in the body, you said Shen unsinkable"

3.Famous prophet was killed his beloved woman

Before dying, the woman proudly said:. "What prophet, you count the world come, but Suanbu Le own life,"

prophet but very bleak laughed: "see you at the moment, I already know this outcome, but in that moment


the car radio station sounded: Passengers please bring your valuables under . car

he said to her: "Come on, valuables.

5, the boy married to his wife better than marriage.

A gathering of friends laughed at him: "how married also so tired ...?"

Samsam smile he said:"Many boys are want to go before her wedding, she better be a lot of boys, I can only be better for her to catch her; nice getting married to her little boy, I only told her to let her better Lost. "

I've done is to make her happy.

Finished, the presence of friends are silent

6, Ah Peng travel back home early is late, just to knock on the door he stopped and thought to surprise his wife and his wife's fidelity to try. He gently open the security door with a key, hold your breath to the bedroom door. Which actually came waves of men grunt, flung open the door of his heels, only to see his wife were awakened.Her eyes widened in horror, his wife's bedside phone recording grunt came Ah Peng.

7, birthday party, with drunk quite well, the man asked the woman: "Why did you choose me?"

Woman laughed: "Because you have the money," the man silent.

Sober after a woman has been back to Gordon, quickly asked the man: "Last night you were not asking me a question?"

Man nodded: "? I ask why you chose me,"

woman asked: "Then I is how to answer, "

man laughed:"? .. You say that because you love me

8 silent woman, she wanted to get married, ex-boyfriend is also listed on the wedding invitation,Everyone playing the game recognize the groom. Bridal his eyes, walked in front of the groom. The groom looked proud ex-boyfriend, ex-boyfriend is lightly aside his eyes. When the bride and groom hugs to go, but she went to the ex-boyfriend, took off the blindfold. Ex-boyfriend from the suit and pulled out a bottle of perfume, said:. "This is your favorite flavor, to me, always close at hand

9, he met a crash, the whole machine more than a hundred

When the rescue team

find people who survived him.

when he, the doctor repeatedly said that he suffered heavy injuries still alive is a miracle.

Later, she asked him,He insisted in the end is how down. He smiled: "I had been wondering if I'll be gone, who will give you happiness."

10, a little boy to the little girl said:. "I am your bf"

girl asked: "What is bf? "

said the boy was bestfriend (best friend) mean.

And then later they married into the twilight age

Claus to the old lady said: "I am your bf."

Lady asked: "! Beforever (always the case),"? "What is bf"

Claus smiling answer

11, Valentine's Day for three consecutive years,He will receive blessing SMS from the same strange number, only a short five words: Happy Valentine's Day. He never replied to.

The fourth annual Valentine's Day, no piece of text messages. He hesitated for a long time, and finally made a sentence to that number Happy Valentine's Day. Soon there will be a reply "Thank you Which?"

Love is not in place, such as who, accidentally, it will be time away.

12, graduation day, the squad leader proposed the class to sit in a circle, each person write their secret on a piece of paper, who passed on the left,This person to share a secret himself a conservative but also the secrets of others. I deliberately sat on his left. Crush four years but did not dare tell the truth, to know a secret of his good, I consoled myself.

On a piece of paper came only three words: I love you.

13, one day, I see him playing a game, casually asked the sentence "the game of basketball is important or important?" He thought: "basketball" and then make the sentence "but not the most important," I thought he would I can say that the most important of his deadpan: "The most important buttoned" I was disappointed to see the way his gentle smile:. "Because of you on bail,"

14.Desk phone rang, I miss her over the years. After listening to the phone,

She said: we are together, right? Phone while the others also came hee hee laugh.

I say, good.

I hear a group of people laugh. I seem to understand what, and said, you choose a great adventure?

Over the phone, she broke through layers of joking, saying, no, I chose the truth.

15, married 50 years, they seem to complain printed on the bones. Almost every day a eyes, grumbling to each other will immediately sounded.

They did not even dare to go alone to visit them,Because every ear will be a disaster.

Is a morning when he began to complain of nights when she suddenly found she had to go. After a long silence, he uttered the last to complain: "Why wait for me to come along ......"

16, two years after breaking up, in a city bump.

M: "You okay?"

Woman: "good"

M: "Is he okay?"

Woman: "good"

woman asked, "Are you okay?"

Men replied, "good"

Woman: "Is she all right?"

M: "She just told me she was fine,"

17, "If I told skinny fat, I simultaneously,Which one would you choose ah? "

" Of course, is that a fat ah.

"Little lie, how can people choose fat



"...... Because nobody hurt you fat

18, boys: wanted to ask you one thing

child: What happened

Boy:? Accompany me to play a show girl: speech What

Boy:? play my wife Girl: How long the boys play:? lifetime

Sixty years later, a white-haired old man stroked the grandmother's bed, sighed and said: If the play is never full The End

nice old man: an old woman, I want to ask you one thing

grandmother: What happened

old man?:My next life, and I continued to play together set good!

19, Diyan give someone a man.

That man refused and said: "I promised my woman does not smoke."

The man said: "I do not say that you do not say, who knows you suck?"

That man looked into the distance.

Said dismissively: "promises to their women, how to win the trust of the world?"

20, he was a bad student, but liked her excellent study. Valentine's Day. Under the instigation of his friend finally found the courage to ask her send a message: don'tyouloveme? She quickly gave the reply: yes, i do!

At that moment, he saw this sentence is a bit sad.Then to graduate, he also will it be forgotten. However, he did not know, that day she had been waiting for him, waiting for him to hold her hand.

21,962464, this is a boy in a car accident the night before left her number. Well, the next day to say her answer, she did not think it was always a mystery. She tried many ways, but still do not know what numbers represent. She thought about this boy's memory: the screen in her most difficult there is always him, she who held his hand over his shoulder, and so rely on.

One day she lost the texting numbers, the phone displays the three words: I love you.

22, he was outstanding,She mundane. She often corner alone, looking to steal all the girls surrounded him. His expectations for level university admission in different places, she never dared to tell the truth. I heard he was not suited to the new environment, the results reluctantly, she was worried, but did not even greet courage.

Two finally met at alumni gatherings. She asked him stammered: there, homework, difficult? He smiled and said: No, but there, without you, hard.

Editor: This is the life we ​​play many roles! Perhaps you gorgeous scenes less than others, but you will always be your main character, you will become another person's protagonist,Some scenes who warm the hearts. More wonderful log: teach you clever with banana Lip gauntlets and foot care, very practical oh let you speak less struggle for 20 years, to teach you the skills to speak, listen good! Make you laugh stitch classic joke, and quickly to happy about it ~ ~! I try to forget, I'm trying to be strong - no matter how strong I am, you are my most fatal injuries ~ ~ ~ 50 iron is a classic love anatomy, perspective Love "performed style" teach you to win the love! Easy smile worth a thousand gold, those jokes bizarre, absolutely "Swordsman"

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Log "the warm life small words, your life is also a micro novel! "Yesterday (13000)

17:25 browsing our baby Fang

guide language: sometimes, a cold hush will warm your entire atrium, those who say never tired of the small voice, bring many people moved, over time into a commitment. In fact, every life has micro fiction!

1, he: yesterday I dream about you.

she: there must be somebody else?

he: Yes, and I.

2, his back to her, she asked him: "I sink?"

"the whole world is on the back, you said not to sink to sink?"

3,Be known to all the world that home by their heart love woman kill

just before he died, the woman said proudly: "what a prophet, you can calculate the whole world, but not his own life."

the prophet is very bleak smile: "at the moment I saw you, I knew the ending, just at that moment.

4, the arrival of the car.

radio sounded: passengers please take your valuables off. But he said to her: "go, valuables.

5, the boy married his wife better than before marriage.

a party of friends laugh at him: "how to get married so tired...?"

he SAMSAM smiled and said:"Before marriage, many boys want to chase her, many boys would be kind to her, I only better for her to get her married to her; the boys are becoming less and less, I only better for her to not let her down."

I have to do is to make her happy.

, the presence of friends are silent

6, travel back early A Peng home is already very late, just wanted to knock at the door he stopped the thought to give his wife a surprise, and try his wife faithful character. His key gently open the security door, holding his breath came to the bedroom door. Inside unexpectedly came a array man grunt, he walk out the door, only to find his wife was awakened.To her horror, with wide open eyes, came the recording of A Peng's snore pillow wife's mobile phone.

7, birthday party, which was very joyous, man who asked: "why did you choose me?"

women laugh: "because you have the money," a man of silence.

I later, women have back to enlightenment, he asked the man: "last night if you ask me a question?"

the man nodded: "I ask why did you choose me?"

woman asked: "how do I answer?"

men laugh: "you say that you love me.

silent woman.

8, she's going to get married, her ex boyfriend in the invitation list. The wedding,They played the game with Ren Xinlang. His eyes went to the bride, the groom and. The groom to satisfiedly looking at her ex boyfriend, former boyfriend is lightly put aside the eye. The groom to the bride to hold, she goes to her ex boyfriend, took off the mask. The former boyfriend from suit took out a bottle of perfume, said: "this is you most loves the taste, I, always with me.

9, he met the plane crash, the whole machine when the rescue team found more than 100

people he one survived. Thanks to him, the doctor repeatedly said he had been so heavy injury still alive is a miracle. But later, she asked him,What hold down. He smiled: "I was wondering, if I am not, who will give you happiness."

10, a little boy to the little girl said: "I am your BF."

the girl asked: "what is BF?"

said the boy is BestFriend (best friend).

and then they get married to cliff remnant years of age. Her husband said to her: "you are my BF."

wife asked: "what is BF?"

husband smiled "BeForever! (forever) "

11, for three consecutive years of Valentine's day,He will receive blessing short letter from a strange number, only five words: Happy Valentine's day. He never did not reply. Thanks to fourth years of Valentine's day, the message does not appear. He hesitated for a long time, and finally the number issued a happy Valentine's day. Soon the answer "thank you, you who?"

love will not wait for who, a little heart, it is time to take the.

12, graduation day, monitor proposed the class sat in a circle, each person to write his own secret on the note, to the person on the left,So that each share a secret but also keep a secrets. I deliberately sat on his left hand. In four years did not dare to vindicate, knowing one of his secret or, I comfort myself.

note came only three words: I love you.

13, one day, I saw him playing the game, with the mouth to ask a sentence "basketball game important or important?" He wanted to think: "Basketball" and then added: "but it is not the most important" I thought he would say I is the most important he deadpanned: "buckle the most important" to see my disappointment he gentle smile: "because the button you."

14,The table phone rang, is over the years I miss her. Listen to the phone, but she said: we are together? At the same time, the phone came the others hee hee laugh.

I say, good.

telephone came a group of people laugh. I seem to understand what, say, your choice is the adventure?

the call of her, to break through the layers of banter, said, no, my choice is the truth.

15, after 50 years of marriage, they seem to complain printed on the bones. Almost every day the eyes, grumbling to each other will be sounded immediately. What people don't even want to visit them,Because every time will be a disaster for ears.

is a morning, when he started to complain about her getting up late, suddenly found she had to go. After a long silence, he uttered the last complain: "why not wait for me......"

16, two years after the break-up, accidentaly across a city.

m: "how are you?" Female: "good"

m: "is he well?" Female: "good"

the woman asked, "how are you?"

the man answered, "well". Woman: "her?"

m: "she just told me she was very good,"

17 "if the fat and I thin I appear at the same time,Which one would you choose?"

"of course is the fatter one.

"little lie, where people would choose the fat



"...... Because, the fat you nobody hurts.

18, the boy: I want to ask you something.

child: what happened?

boy: with my play. Girl: do what? Boy: my wife. Girl: play how long? Boy: a lifetime.

sixty years later, a grey-haired old grandma stroked the bed of the old man, said: if this scene never play with the good.

the old man: the old lady, I wanted to ask you something.

Grandma: what happened? Thanks to the old man:Next life, I acted with continued set good! A cigarette to a male

19, sb.

the man said: "I promised my women do not smoke."

the man said: "I do not say, you don't say, who know you smoke?" The man looked far away.

said lightly: "false to their women, how to win the trust of the world?"

20, he is a bad student, but like the learning excellent she. Valentine's day. At the instigation of friends he finally plucked up the courage to ask her to send information: Don 'tyouloveme? She soon gave the reply: Yes, I do!

that moment, to see this sentence he is somewhat difficult to live.After graduation, this thing he were forgotten. However, he did not know, that she had been waiting for him, waiting for him to hold her hand.

21, 962464, a former boy car accident late for her number. Said the second day gave her the answer, did not think she is always a mystery. She tried many methods, but still do not know what number represents. She thought of the boy's memory: in her most difficult picture there he, she held his hand on his shoulder, etc.. But one day she texted lost digital, mobile phone display 3 words: I love you.

22, he rise above the common herd,She unremarkable. She often alone in a corner, stare by the girls around him. He deliver the goods by different level university admission, she always dare not to vindicate. Heard that he doesn't adapt to the new environment, achievement reluctantly, worried about her, but even when asked no courage.

two people finally meet in the old student party. She asked him: there, hesitating in speaking lesson, is it difficult? He smiled and said: No, but there, without you, it is difficult to.

from the editor: in life we play so many roles! Maybe your scenes than others Hua Li, but you forever is your hero, you will become another hero,Some scenes and whose soul. More wonderful log: teach you how to use the banana lip hand and foot, very practical Oh ~ talk makes you less than 20 years of struggle, teach you how to speak skills, please listen! Make you laugh Chaqi classic joke, hastened to happy about it! I try to forget, I am trying to strong ~ whether I have more strong, you are my most fatal injuries ~~~50 Love rules classical analysis, penetrating love "to" teach you to win love! An easy laugh value daughter, those Penfan joke, absolute "The Legendary Swordsman"

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Log those warm little love in a lifetime, minor said in your life!

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guide language: sometimes, a cold, warm your heart, those that are never going to get fed up with small familiar looks, brought many people, over time it became one commitment. In fact, everyone lives in small talk!

1, his: I dream about you yesterday.

She: there must have been someone else, right?

He: well, it's me.

2, he cheated on her, she asked him: "do I sink? "

" The whole world back in the body, you sink does not sink? ”

3、Renowned Prophet was his beloved woman killed before

death, the dog woman who said: "what the Prophet, you work out all over the world, it is not our life. "

Prophet but incomparably sad smiles:" see you in that moment, I already know the ending, just at that moment.

4, train station.

Radio rings: all passengers off with your valuables.

He said to her: "come on, valuables.

5, boy married his wife better than before marriage.

A party friends laughed at him: "how to marry was so fed up with ...? "

His Little laughs:"Many guys trying to win her over before getting married, many guys would do her good, I only for her to get her better; kind to her after her marriage and fewer boys, I got better for her to keep her down. "

I have to do is want to make her happy.

You, all of our friends here are silent

6, travel ahead Pang back home very late, was just about to knock at the door he stopped and thought a surprise for his wife, and try his wife's fidelity. He gently opened the door with a key, hold your breath came to the bedroom door. Inside, there were men snore, his foot kicked open the door, only to see upon waking wife.She was horrified to open your eyes, sleeping with his wife's cell phone recording Pang snore coming from.

7, birthday parties, drunk sex, men ask a woman: "why are you picking on me? "

Laughs:" because you have the money ", man's silence.

Morning after, woman back to reality, said to the man: "If you ask me a question last night? "

Man nodded:" I asked why are you picking on me? "

Woman asked:" How do I answer that? "

Man laughed:" you said you loved me.

Women are silent.

8, she is getting married, ex-boyfriend on the invitation list. Wedding,All recognize the groom's game play. Bride covered her eyes, walk up to the groom. Groom proudly looking at an ex-boyfriend, ex-boyfriend is the eye aside lightly. When you want to hold up the bride and groom, but she went to an ex-boyfriend, took off her goggles. Ex-boyfriend takes out a bottle of perfume from the suit, said, "this is your favorite flavor, me, always with you.

9, he met air crashes,

when the rescue team found more than 100 more people, he alone survived.

Him, doctor says he was badly hurt was a miracle to be alive.

Then she asked him,How did he stick. He smiled: "I kept thinking, if I'm not here, who is going to make you happy. "

10, with a small boy said to the girl:" I'm your BF. "

Girl asks," what is a BF? "

Said the boy is BestFriend (best friend).

And then they get married and have kids at the grave of old

old man said to the woman: "I'm your BF. "

The old lady asks," what is a BF? "

He answered with a smile," BeForever! (This), "Valentine's day

11, for three consecutive years,He will receive blessing from the same numbers they text message, only five words: Happy Valentines day. He never replies.

Fourth year on Valentine's day, that message does not appear. He hesitated for a long time, that number eventually made a Happy Valentines day. There is a quick response "thank you, where are you? "

Who love won't wait, believe it, and it was taken away.

12, graduation day, the squad leader proposed the class sat in a circle, everyone wrote in the paper a secret of his own, passed on to the left side of the person,Per person sharing a secret of his own while also keeping someone else's secret. I deliberately sat on his left. Crush four years but didn't dare tell the truth, to know his secret, I told myself.

Note coming from only three words: I love you. Day,

13, I could see him playing games, casually asked a "basketball is important also is the game important? "He was thinking:" basketball "and then added:" but it is not the most important "I thought he was going to say I'm the most important but he blankly:" picks the most important "see the way I disappointed him a gentle smile:" because picks on you. "

14 and theTable the phone rang, I miss her over the years. Call

she said: we are together, right? Others should heed your representation's laughter coming from the phone at the same time.

I said, all right.

, There was a group of people laughing on the phone. What I have found and said, do you dare?

Side of the phone to her, breaking the layers of joking, saying, no, I mean it.

15, married for 50 years, they seem to have been printed in complaining about. Wake up every morning and complained to each other would have sounded at once.

Alone even going to visit them,Because every time was a disaster of the ear.

Is a morning, when he began to complain about the night when suddenly found she was gone. After silence for a long time, he let out the last: "Why can't I go ... ..."

16, two people broke up for several years, running into each other in a new city.

He: "How are you? "

Woman" OK "

man:" he all right? "

Woman" OK "

girl, asking," How are you? "

Men answered," good "

woman:" she all right? "

Man:" she just told me she's fine, "

17," "fat I'm thin, I at once,Which one would you choose? "

" Is, of course, that fat one.

"Cheating less, who would choose the fattest



“…… Because the fat you no one hurt.

18, boys: want to ask you one thing. Hostess

: what is it?

Boys: scene with my speech. Girl: what?

Boy: my wife. Girls: play for how long? Boy: your whole life.

60 years later, a white-haired old lady stroking bed fellow, exclaimed: if it is good this scene without end.

What the old man: good woman, I want to ask you one thing.

Grannies: what is it?

What the old man:In my next life, and play the sequel was okay with me!

19, someone a smoke and a male.

Man refused: "I promised my woman do not smoke. "

The man said:" I didn't say it, you say, who knows you? "

Man looked at a distance.

The contrary: "women of faith in him, how to win the world? "

20, he is a bad student, but a love of learning excellence for her. On Valentine's day. Friends send a message of encouragement he finally got up the courage to ask her: Don'tyouloveme? She quickly gave back: Yes,I do!

At that moment, sees that he is a bit sad.And then will graduate soon, that he has forgotten about the back of the head. However, he did not know that she has been waiting for him, waiting for him to hold her hand.

21, 962,464, which is a number of boys in a car accident the night before to leave her. Agreed answers to her the next day, did not expect will never become a mystery to her. She has tried many ways, but still do not know what number. She thought about it on the boy's memories: in total in her most difficult scene with him, she held his hand, on his shoulders, and so on.

Texting one day she lost the number, the phone displays a 3 Word: I love you.

22, his outstanding,Her mundane. She is often alone, staring all the girls surrounding him. He delivers offsite level into college, she was always afraid to say. I heard he did not adapt to the new environment, reluctantly, she worried, but even greet the courage, either.

Two people meet at the Alumni gathering. She stumbled and asked him: there work hard? He smiled and said, no, but it's without you, is very difficult.

Editor's Notes: we play many roles in your life! Maybe your play than someone else's gorgeous, but you'll always be you hero, you will become the hero of another,Who did some scenes warm hearts. More log: show you how to use banana mouth-hand and foot care, very practical Oh ~ talking makes you struggle 20 years less, teach you skills in speaking, please listen! Give you Side stitch classic joke, get to have some fun ~ ~! I'm trying to forget, and I am trying to be strong ~ regardless of how strong I am, you are the most fatal injuries ~~~50 I love classic analysis of iron, perspective on love "-type" teach you to love and win! Easy smile precious, those who betrayed a joke, absolute "Swordsman"

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